If your school's HVAC system is outdated, needs replacing, or lacks the proper air filtration, it could be putting your students' health at risk.
According to a new report from Camfil School Air Filters, the air quality in Nashville, TN schools may be at risk. Camfil offers insight for school facility operators and steps they can take to improve air quality, including installing high-efficiency air filters. Keep reading for more information on the report and what you can do to keep your students safe and healthy.
The Camfil team is committed to helping you find the best air quality solution for your school, college, or university. Our long history in critical air filtration and extensive knowledge of many industries and applications make us an important resource when it comes to finding the right solution for you. Contact us today to speak with a Nashville, TN filtration expert about your specific needs. We look forward to working with you soon!
Grab this blog post - Fighting the Spread Of COVID-19 in Schools, Colleges, and Universities through Ventilation and Air Filtration from Camfil Blog.
Media Contact:
Lynne Laake
Camfil USA Air Filters Nashville Branch Air Filter Supplier
T: 888.599.6620
E: Lynne.Laake@camfil.com
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