The meaning of dreams involves something that is among the most incredible things that a human being is capable of doing. And as everyone dreams, but no one can fully master what happens in the dream, the theme has fascinated humanity for thousands of years. Theories and ways of interpreting the meaning of dreams exist in droves, precisely because it is not an exact science – it is far from it! What happens while we sleep is very personal and is deeply connected with our waking experiences. explains everything one needs to know about dreams.
How do we dream?
Dreams arise at specific times during our sleep. They are most vivid and frequent during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase, when the closed eyes move rapidly. At this time of night, neurons are almost as active as they are when we are awake. If we wake up in this sleep phase, the chances of clearly remembering what we were dreaming are greater.
The REM phase occurs several times in the same night and its duration increases as the night progresses, ranging from 5 minutes to approximately half an hour. So, whoever sleeps an average of 8 hours spends about 2 hours dreaming.
Adults usually have 4 to 6 dreams a night, but they rarely remember more than 10% of everything. That's why sometimes we wake up very happy (or sad, or angry), but we can't say exactly why. In other words, even if you don't remember, you probably dreamed last night!
What are dreams?
Now that you know what dreaming is, you must be wondering what dreams are. They are nothing more than a combination of remote and recent memories. For many, what you see in a dream are images of the day before or the week before. That's why a dream can have scenes that seem random, but are actually experiences you've had at some point in your life.
The brain orchestrates this process, but it doesn't exactly replicate what you've experienced — except when the dream involves some post-traumatic stress disorder. What it does is combine valuable newly formed memories with others that are not yet fully understood. On this account, it prioritizes the ones that are most emotionally charged.
But how do I remember what I dreamed?
First, try to get a good night's sleep. This is essential to allow the brain to devote itself to the wonderful mission of making you relax and giving you a chance to interpret the meaning of dreams. Second, when you wake up, avoid opening your eyes right away and try to remember as many things from your dream as you can. The recommendation of closed eyes is so that you do not notice what is around you and disperse your mind with the day that begins and with the tasks that you have to fulfill.
Third, try to feel yourself in the dream and write down everything you can recover. Over time, you will find it easier to gather this information and associate it with how you felt when you woke up. In this way, you develop your self-knowledge and the ability to understand and interpret what you dreamed about. As a result, your ability to deal with and process your own feelings improves.
The meaning of dreams
We have the premise that every dream has meaning. The great challenge is to discover the message behind each dream in order to interpret it. Some themes are more common than others. However, dream meanings are unique to each person – after all, experiences and reactions are individual.
Even so, it is easy to find someone who has dreamed that they were being chased, that they were falling out or losing a tooth. In this last theme, for example, the lack of a tooth can be associated with a positive feeling, such as the beginning of a new stage of life with the arrival of permanent teeth. On the other hand, someone who lost a tooth in an accident may have a negative reference.
The interpretation of the meaning of dreams
Interpreting dreams is a way to mature and evolve. Self-knowledge, inspiration, better dealing with emotions, changing attitudes and behaviors and even solving problems are some of the benefits. However, not every dream can be interpreted: sometimes, several elements are articulated and generate a very advanced level of complexity. That is, only with professional help it is possible to decode what that super complicated dream represents. Click here for a free interpretation of your dream.
In fact, the habit of recording what we dream to be able to follow and decipher the messages that the brain tries to send us is a very powerful therapeutic tool. It is a collection of data that allows us to understand deep feelings, resolve internal conflicts and unleash our full potential. In other words, dedicating yourself to understanding the meaning of dreams is truly awakening to life.