Organic Green Tea And The Autumnal Equinox Facts Shared by I.E. Green Tea

I.E. Green Tea celebrates the changing season by sharing Autumnal Equinox Facts. Intriguing facts signal tea enthusiasts to start switching from cold green tea beverages to hot organic green tea.

Chicago, 11/04/2022 / SubmitMyPR /

I.E. Green Tea, the manufacturer of organic green tea now reputed for delivering the highest amounts of antioxidants in each cup, has shared intriguing Autumnal Equinox facts on their website. This article is a celebration of the changing seasons and the perfect indication to switch from cold green tea beverages to hot body-warming ones to better match the changing weather as we head into winter.

I.E. Green Tea

I.E. Green Tea published the article on its official website, informing its readers about the significance of the Autumnal Equinox. For those curious about the phenomenon behind this significant time, the equinox is a time of year when the Sun stands directly across the Earth's "celestial equator," which is an imaginary extension of the Earth's equator. The exact moment of the equinox occurs when the Sun overlaps this line. This is the time of year when the seasons change due to the Sun's and Earth's relative movements. The term "Autumnal Equinox" denotes the beginning of the fall season and the end of summer.

The article also informs readers about the upcoming autumnal equinox occurrence dates for the northern and southern hemispheres over the next four years. As the autumnal equinox approaches, the daylight hours shorten and the nights lengthen because dawn arrives later and dusk appears earlier. The summer solstice, which occurs in June in the northern hemisphere, marks the beginning of the period of day lengthening, while the winter solstice is when the nights begin to grow longer once more, marking the end of this period.

I.E. Green Tea also shared some traditional cultural facts and myths associated with this time of the year. Readers will enjoy learning about the mysterious egg-balancing feats people claim to achieve at this "exact" time of the year and the ancient cultures and buildings that pay homage to this natural phenomenon.

The full article about the autumnal equinox with the upcoming equinox dates can be found on the I. E. Green Tea website at The website also offers many tasty hot green tea beverages and dessert recipes to enjoy during the fall.

The company representative expressed how organic, I.E. Green Tea, can help tea lovers celebrate the changing weather. “The term “equinox” is derived from the Latin word “aequus,” which means “equal,” and “nox,” meaning “night.” It means that day and night are equal in length at the perfect time of the equinox. The autumnal equinox is a sign that the days will begin to shorten, and to get the most nutrients during these shorter days, I. E. Green Tea is an invaluable source of antioxidants that will keep you up and running through your daily routine.”

About I.E. Green Tea

I.E. Green Tea sells a brand of superior quality liquid green tea in concentrated packets, known for offering many health benefits. The brand prides itself on selling the best green tea out on the market, which offers all of the health benefits advertised and at a competitive price.

To find out more about I.E. Green Tea, its benefits, how the brewing process came about from years of trials and partnerships with tea experts, and where the tea comes from (as a hint: note that it is an exclusive mountain that provides nutrient-rich minerals), visit the website at

IE Green Tea is a green tea producer based in Chicago Illinois, the parent company is Amica Tea Texas 8000 Research Forest Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77382 Phone: 832-656-7759

David Stone is the CEO of IE Green Tea you can contact him at:


I.E. Green Tea

707 Skokie Boulevard Suite 100

Northbrook, IL 60062 Ph:(855) 232-3121


Original Source of the original story >> Organic Green Tea And The Autumnal Equinox Facts Shared by I.E. Green Tea

Published by: Randy Rohde