TikTok Searches Are Changing Google Search, Attracting New Generations of Users - CMSWire

I once wrote that when it comes to search engine optimization, choosing where your keywords go within your content will feel much like arranging furniture in your home. With TikTok becoming more of a search starting point of choice for a new generation of customers, the home of search engine queries is about to be outright changed.

To counter the growing search prowess of TikTok, Google is introducing new features in its search app, Google Lens. These new features are meant to account for images and video in search and brand discovery online. Marketers should use these platform adoptions to note how consumers are adopting image and video in their online search.

The Latest Updates in Google Lens

At Search I/0 this fall, Google noted that 8 billion users use Lens as a starting point for their search queries. To match the growing interest, Google announced a series of updates aimed at enhancing product image queries with more relevant additional information.

The most prominent of these is the Mulitsearch Near Me feature for Lens, a visual search engine that can analyze images and return relevant results for images such as products at locations near landmarks. Consumers can search by snapping a picture or screenshot and then using Lens for search. With Multisearch Near Me, Lens can add a text query to the search. Once the query has been sent, Google will return links to websites or other image suggestions that are relevant to the image. This can help enhance a query for an...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMieWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNtc3dpcmUuY29tL2RpZ2l0YWwtbWFya2V0aW5nL3Rpa3Rvay1zZWFyY2hlcy1hcmUtY2hhbmdpbmctZ29vZ2xlLXNlYXJjaC1hdHRyYWN0aW5nLW5ldy1nZW5lcmF0aW9ucy1vZi11c2Vycy_SAX1odHRwczovL3d3dy5jbXN3aXJlLmNvbS9kaWdpdGFsLW1hcmtldGluZy90aWt0b2stc2VhcmNoZXMtYXJlLWNoYW5naW5nLWdvb2dsZS1zZWFyY2gtYXR0cmFjdGluZy1uZXctZ2VuZXJhdGlvbnMtb2YtdXNlcnMvYW1wLw?oc=5

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Published by: Book Club