“Pakistan has learned its lesson”: Pak PM Shehbaz Sharif, calls for a talk with Modi - National Herald

In an interview with Arabic news channel Al Arabiya, the Pak PM admitted that wars with India had only added to the people’s misery, poverty, and unemployment
Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that his country has learnt its lesson after three wars with India and called for peace talks with PM Modi.
In an explosive interview with Al Arabiya, an international Arabic news television channel based in Dubai, the Pak PM admitted that wars with India had only added to the people’s misery, poverty, and unemployment.
“It is up to us to live peacefully and make progress, or quarrel with each other and waste time and resources. We have had three wars with India, and they have only brought more misery, poverty, and unemployment to the people. We have learnt our lesson, and we want to live in peace, provided we are able to resolve our genuine problems,” said Sharif.
Though, Sharif is faced with massive discontent at home due to the growing
financial crisis, pitched for the talks, also racked up allegations of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir.
“My message to PM Modi is that let us sit down on the table and let us have serious and sincere talks to resolve burning points like Kashmir,” added Sharif.
In his message to Modi, Sharif said Pakistan does not want to waste resources on bombs and ammunition. “We have engineers, doctors, and skilled labourers. We want to utilise these assets for prosperity and to bring peace to the region so that both nations can grow,”...

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