Physical Therapy Taping Techniques Are Now Available at In Motion Physical Therapy

In Motion Physical Therapy offers physical therapy taping techniques as an effective supplement to manual therapy and therapeutic exercises.

Chicago, United States, 01/19/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

In Motion Physical Therapy is now providing physical therapy taping technique services to patients as an added measure of security along with manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. These professional taping techniques can play an essential part in patients' recovery and allow them to return to more intense physical activities like sports more quickly.

In Motion Physical Therapy

Therapeutic taping is a trusted technique that can help relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and provide appropriate support to joints and muscles. Originally, taping was solely used to improve athletic performance and support muscles and bones during strenuous sports-related activities or exercises; however, it is now used to help alleviate discomfort and even facilitate lymphatic drainage by elevating the skin. In light of the medical research and supporting factual data, In Motion Physical Therapy provides therapeutic taping to help patients recover faster.

To get the most out of this technique, In Motion Physical Therapy doctors use two distinct types of tapes to maximize the healing effect. Leukotape, a non-stretchable rehabilitation tape, is used in patellofemoral pain syndrome, sprains, and scapular retraining cases. This water-resistant tape will retain its effectiveness for three days and play a vital role in strengthening the correct muscles.

The second option is Kinesio tape; a breathable, elastic rehabilitation tape used to aid in treating knee and hamstring injuries. This is also a water-resistant tape that remains effective for up to two to three days. This type of tape is beneficial for reducing bruising and swelling and facilitating injury healing.

Readers can learn more about the taping techniques offered by In Motion Physical Therapy by visiting the official website at The website also details all the physical therapy treatments and services provided by therapy centers, as well as relevant news and health tips to guide visitors seeking information about physical therapy.

A representative for the therapy center said about the taping services currently being provided at In Motion Physical Therapy, "The benefits of using good and effective taping techniques are numerous and should not be regarded as an afterthought. It is a highly recommended therapeutic measure that helps with the body's healing process and provides proprioception. We use two types of tapes for our patients: Leukotape and Kinesio Tape. Each type is used specifically depending on the patient's needs and the conditions of use. We strongly advise those suffering from body pains and injuries not to ignore their health and to seek help and the right treatment immediately to aid in their return to the activities they love."

About In Motion Physical Therapy

In Motion Physical Therapy provides physical therapy services and helps patients return to regular routines. Athletes looking to return to their favorite sports, teens, and adults seeking to lose weight, busy parents looking to improve their body mobility to keep up with their children's busy schedules, post-op patients on the road to recovery, and elderly citizens looking to return to their previously active lifestyles can all benefit from In Motion Physical Therapy's services. The center is led by Dr. Lauren Schnidman, a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Wheeling Jesuit University and an avid sportsman and outdoor activity enthusiast. The services provided at In Motion Physical Therapy are designed to help patients return to their routine activities as soon as possible.


In Motion Physical Therapy

2731 N Lincoln Ave

Chicago, IL 60614



Original Source of the original story >> Physical Therapy Taping Techniques Are Now Available at In Motion Physical Therapy

Published by: Randy Rohde