Wondering how to get a Knighthood or become a Dame? It's easier than it seems thanks to Europe's newest Micronation

The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia seeks to maintain the fascinating, historical connection with the region from the Middle Ages

Basel Stadt, SWITZERLAND, 04/08/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

Every year in the UK, the ruling monarch honours people from all walks of life for their public service, with awards such as MBEs, CBEs, and OBEs - but perhaps no other award attracts as much attention and prestige as the Knighthood or Damehood.

For anyone who has always liked the idea of having Sir or Dame in front of their name, but doesn't have the years and years of unstinting, selfless service to others, there is another option - thanks to Europe's newest micronation, The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia.

The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia

Become a Sir or Dame

While it's not possible to purchase a Knighthood or Damehood and end up on the New Years Honours List with an appointment to meet the King, anyone who would enjoy the elevated private and professional status that could come from calling themselves Sir or Dame can purchase a genuine title issued by The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia.

Along with this elevated status, the potential benefits that might come with a Knighthood or Damehood from this European micronation could include preferential treatment at hotels, restaurants, and on flights or cruises. A title could help to open the door to new employment and professional opportunities. At the very least it will provide some personal enjoyment and a sense of having 'made it'.

The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia

These Sir and Dame titles have been exclusively made available by The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia (Royal Titles) an idyllic micronation based on the ancient Duchy of Pomerania, which can be traced all the way back to the 12th century and which was ruled by the House of Pomerania for over half a millennium.

While the Duchy itself no longer exists, a new micronation has been established and spans large portions of Europe that were once part of the former Duchy. These include the most beautiful regions of Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Poland, & Eastern Germany.

The Grand Dukedom of Pomerania and Livonia seeks to maintain the fascinating, historical connection with the region from the Middle Ages, and has been instrumental in a variety of projects to preserve the environment and traditions of the former Duchy - helping to preserve the region’s ancient castles, its forests and their wildlife.

Offering the opportunity to purchase Knighthoods and Damehoods from this European micronation helps to fund this important work and, as well as enabling individuals to potentially enjoy a grander, more luxurious modern life, it also connects them with a centuries-old European region and its rich and interesting history.


So, for anyone that has ever wondered about how to become a Knight, or perhaps dreamed of being Dame who doors open for, acquiring one of these titles could be the answer - plus it will be helping to maintain part of Europe’s rich history and beautiful environment.

For more details visit https://www.royaltitles.net/.

Additional Resources: https://youtu.be/ZeHs2k9xaj0


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Original Source of the original story >> Wondering how to get a Knighthood or become a Dame? It's easier than it seems thanks to Europe's newest Micronation

Published by: Randy Rohde