For 17 years, the Mesothelioma Center at has been providing expert-backed information and various support services to people impacted by mesothelioma, a cancer that frequently affects the lining of the lungs and chest wall and has been strongly linked to asbestos exposure.
The Mesothelioma Center provides a total of 15 services, with a purpose to provide advocacy and awareness, as well as connect people to reliable mesothelioma resources. In doing this, it has created a strong and vibrant community of medical and legal experts, patient advocates, and mesothelioma survivors and their families.
The Mesothelioma Center's team is composed of professionals from various industries, all of which have significant experience working with mesothelioma patients and medical information about this rare cancer. On the medical side, it includes doctors, registered nurses, mental health counselors, and medical outreach experts. The team has legal and insurance experts that can help patients navigate these complicated issues. The Mesothelioma Center can also provide aid for veterans that were exposed to asbestos during their military service, having a dedicated team for veterans affairs, including VA-accredited experts.
Outside of its team, The Mesothelioma Center also works with top experts in various fields, such as thoracic oncology, surgery, nutrition and dietetics, and psychology, to provide well-researched material that patients and their families can consume, allowing them to make informed choices.
According to The Mesothelioma Center, around 50% of patients in the US diagnosed with this disease turn to it for help. Each patient is assigned a dedicated patient advocate, who will build a relationship with them and their families. The advocate will analyze the patient's needs to determine the best information and resources for them.
The Mesothelioma Center sends a customized package of materials, such as books and brochures, as well as a folder where they can store their medical records. All reading materials are expert-approved, including complete guides to Pleural, Peritoneal and other cancers associated with asbestos. The package also contains a nutrition book titled Your Nutrition Guide to Mesothelioma , written by a licensed dietitian, that can guide patients on what to eat when undergoing treatment and recovery. A nutrition journal is also offered, that helps track patients eating habits to share with their physician. Fnancial assistance brochures provide information on money matters, such as insurance, social security, and government benefits. Other age- and occupation-appropriate materials are also included, based on the advocate's assessment of the patient's needs.
Due to the widespread use of asbestos in past decades, the Mesothelioma Center aims to provide information to everyone, regardless if they have been diagnosed with the disease. As such, its website contains a comprehensive amount of factual and reliable information, allowing people to read about asbestos, mesothelioma, legal issues and trust funds benefiting victims of asbestos exposure.
Media contact:
Name: Karen Selby
Published by: Omar Hamdi