Mahwish Syed on Nature Informed Homes, with Meredith Oke on Quantum Biology Collective Podcast

Mahwish Syed, an acclaimed NYC interior designer and author, was interviewed by Meredith Oke, host of the Quantum Biology Collective Podcast, on the healing power of nature-informed homes.

Irvington, 05/13/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

Mahwish is an acclaimed NYC interior designer and author of the best-selling book, PURGATORY TO PARADISE: How Cancer Helped Me Design An Authentic Life. Her cancer journey helped her to better understand the importance of circadian rhythms to human health and home design. In this episode, she talks about design strategies from a quantum perspective that allows for harmony between the environment and the human body.

“Of course beauty matters and aesthetics matter, but your environment affects your health,” explains Mahwish Sayed, interior designer, student of Applied Quantum Biology and cancer survivor. In this episode Mahwish discusses how to create beautiful spaces that fulfill our need to connect to nature and natural light cycles. Mahwish talks about windows and lightbulbs - as well as the mythology and symbolism of ancient cultures and how they support our healing on a subconscious level. This is a beautiful and fun conversation that will inspire a deeper connection to our day to day surroundings.

Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Mahwish Syed on your preferred podcast channel.

In this podcast, the host covers:

  • How Mahwish’s cancer journey opened the door to viewing the environment through an epigenetic lens

  • Why it is so important to get as much natural light as possible throughout the day

  • How laminated windows reduce the spectrum of light that can get through the glass

  • How to apply the ancient Islamic concept of Jaali to allow more light in while maintaining privacy

  • Simple ways to improve your light environment at home without replacing your windows

  • What the negative health effects of LED lights are on the body

  • The mythology of Hades and Persephone and how ancient cultures were more in tune with the healing power of nature

  • How disease is tied to disharmony between the body and the environment on a cellular level

  • Why it is so important to have darkness at night and avoid screens before bed

    Mahwish Syed, interior designer and author

Podcast Quotes:

  • “Of course beauty matters and aesthetics matter, but oh my gosh, your environment affects your health.” (2:25-2:31 | Mahwish)

  • “My cancer journey was a doorway through which I walked, and it opened up a whole new world.” (3:37-3:44 | Mahwish)

  • “Most windows come laminated to stop a certain spectrum of light coming in.” (6:38-6:43 | Mahwish)

  • “Starfire glass is the right glass to use (for windows) if you can get your hands on it.” (9:07-9:12 | Mahwish)

  • “The reason why LEDs flicker is to save energy, they turn on and off. But they turn on and off so imperceptibly fast, we don't normally see it with our bare eyes. But our body knows.” (16:15-16:35 | Mahwish)

  • “Our environment is an ecosystem, but we forget that the ecosystem is between our bodies and our environment.” (20:29-20:37 | Mahwish)

  • “I'm not against saving energy. What I am against is what is packaged as saving energy actually kills bodies.” (20:54-21:06 | Mahwish)

  • “A lot of designers, they use the word create a beautiful environment. I don't mean that from an aesthetic standpoint, only. A beautiful environment for me is something that is in harmony with our cells, that is in harmony and contributes to our growth, our wellness, and it's synergistic.” (22:14-22:40 | Mahwish)

  • “The word disease, right? ‘Dis ease’ is dissonance. It's actually if our cells are vibrating, we are not in harmony with ourselves or the environment or vice versa. So if we are able to combat ‘dis ease’, then we have to seek ways in which we're becoming more harmonious.” (29:02-29:28 | Mahwish)

About the Podcast Guest:

To learn more about Mahwish Syed visit her website (Instagram).

About the Podcast Host:

To learn more about Meredith Oke visit the Quantum Biology Collective website (Quantum Biology Collective).

About The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast:

The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s.

We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.

To become a QBC member and get invites to live deep dives & access to our video library:

To take our 8 week practitioner certification in the science of quantum biology so that you can add it to your existing area of expertise:

Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Mahwish Syed on your preferred podcast channel.

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Original Source of the original story >> Mahwish Syed on Nature Informed Homes, with Meredith Oke on Quantum Biology Collective Podcast

Published by: Dax Hamman