Greg Birch, Founder of Delta Fit Coaching, is sharing the unique framework to his practice and how he puts a focus on changing people’s lives through a disciplined routine of healthy living.
Birch uses his experience serving in the United States Military where he engaged in daily exercises and routines that he says helped him build a regimented life while he was serving. He incorporates those practices into Delta Fit Coaching as a way to develop a structured lifestyle with a steady routine for his clients. Birch says when he works with his clients to develop a routine it spreads to every aspect of their lives from physical fitness, personal relationships and their performance in the workplace.
One of the first steps that Birch takes with his clients is to get them to quit drinking alcohol and start drinking at least a gallon of water a day. He then helps them develop a sleeping and exercise schedule and he develops a meal plan for them, which Birch and his clients can monitor through the My Fitness Pal app for Delta Fit Coaching. Birch also has clients write daily journals in which they detail what they are grateful for in their lives. He says………
“Everything I have my clients do has a specific purpose that are designed to have a massive compounding effect on their lives. When they're all combined together they are going to start improving the health of the mind, body and spirit,” says Birch. “I’m very serious about ensuring that my clients are working through all the daily routines because I am really trying to help them make improvements to their lives.”
According to Birch, when his clients start building up resiliency through the daily routines they are better able to cut out the negative habits. With a heightened sense of resiliency, his clients start to see real world results in all aspects of their daily lives. One of Birch’s focuses in the Delta Fit Coaching program is teaching his clients the importance of delayed gratification.
“It can be hard to stick to new daily exercises and healthy living routines and in a world where everything is moving towards instant gratification where people can get anything they want at the push of a button there is a need to stick with the more challenging and healthy ways of living,” says Birch. “By instilling the importance of delayed gratification in the people I work with, it will teach them to put in the hard work necessary to get them where they truly want to be in life.”
Birch eventually wants to build a coaching facility where his clients can come and work directly with him through exercises and skill building for a week at a time. The goal with the on site facility is to have people reach their goals and make life changing improvements in a short amount of time.
Media Contact
Name: Greg Birch
Published by: Omar Hamdi