Women Pioneering Change in C-Suite: The Story of 3 Media Web

Award-winning digital marketing agency 3 Media Web unveils a triumphant story of women pioneering change in the C-Suite, driving innovation, growth, and development.

Marlborough, Massachusetts, 12/05/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

Corporate leadership has witnessed a noticeable shift, with women steadily ascending to C-Suite positions. Recent research shows that businesses recognize the unique perspectives and skills that women contribute to leadership. It has been reported that aside from increasing diversity among top management teams (TMTs), more women in senior positions guarantee that firms increase their profitability, become more socially responsible, and focus on providing improved customer experiences. Women's immense impact on the C-Suite is exemplified by the success story of 3 Media Web, an award-winning website design and digital marketing agency.

Founded in 2001, 3 Media Web focused on custom web development, enabling it to grow into a comprehensive digital experience agency. With its commitment to excellence and dedication to fostering a positive workplace culture, the company earned recognition as one of The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the Greater Boston Area, an accolade they received more than once.

3 Media Web company logo

The leading tech and digital marketing company is set to redefine the industry as it helps clients employ a unique approach to keeping ahead of the competition. It emphasizes creating agile site blueprints that engage users and guide them seamlessly through their online journey.

As it recognizes that exceptional websites and marketing demand real technical expertise, 3 Media Web captivates users with innovative website designs that keep them engaged with fast load times, intuitive navigation, and content that precisely delivers the information they seek. It is significant to highlight that 3 Media Web also helps clients navigate the complexities of machine learning (ML) algorithms by moving away from manually targeted pay-per-click and instead focusing on a people-driven approach that prioritizes the buyers’ overall experience.

The company also underlines a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. Monthly team meetings, goal-setting initiatives, and a commitment to innovation ensure that 3 Media Web remains adaptive and at the forefront of industry trends. This dedication to staying ahead of the curve is evident in their approach to employee development, encouraging all team members to learn and share insights through various channels. Essentially, innovation and adaptation have been central to 3 Media Web's success, and behind it are two remarkable women: Jessica Hennessy, the chief executive officer, and Mary Inman, the chief financial officer.

CEO Jessica Hennessey and CFO Mary Inman of 3 Media Web

According to a meta-analysis about women on boards and firm financial performance, companies benefit from increased profitability when women hold leadership positions. Jessica and Mary align with this ethos as they envision expanding opportunities for women in the technology and digital marketing sector despite the challenges outlined in the tech industry’s gender diversity.

The firm experienced a pivotal shift with the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). This process involves emphasizing vision, traction, and a healthy work environment in optimizing employees' roles to ensure businesses' maximum profitability. Jessica stated, “Through EOS, we realized the importance of having the right people in the right seats. This led to a strategic reshuffling, which enhanced the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the team.”

Beginning as the Director of Digital Marketing in April 2019, Jessica swiftly rose to Vice President of Growth and Strategy in August 2020, finally assuming the CEO role in April 2021. Mary, on the other hand, joined the company as the Director of Sales and Account Management in 2019. Her journey saw her take on the Director of Revenue Operations role in June 2021, eventually culminating in her becoming the CFO in January 2022. Their purchase of the firm in January of 2023 highlights their relentless pursuit of driving positive outcomes for clients and maximizing profits by ensuring the right person is on the right seat.

Reflecting on the challenges they faced as women entrepreneurs in a predominantly male industry, the women leaders emphasized the importance of determination and fearlessness. "We want our journey in the industry to serve as an inspiration for aspiring women leaders. We want them to seize opportunities and pursue their ambitions relentlessly," the CEO remarked.

Media Contact

Name: Ben Duchesney

Email: info@3mediaweb.com

Original Source of the original story >> Women Pioneering Change in C-Suite: The Story of 3 Media Web

Published by: Pathos Communications Ltd