Yellow Sign Commercial President Peter Yee Launches Coaching and Mentorship Program ‘Work With Yee’

The Work With Yee program is customized to each client, taking into account their different learning styles and incorporating Peter Yee’s passion for mentorship in the real estate industry.

Burlington, Vermont, 02/07/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

Peter Yee, president of Yellow Sign Commercial, a commercial and residential real estate brokerage headquartered in Burlington, Vermont, has announced the launch of a new coaching and mentorship program, Work With Yee.

The program is a subscription service, where subscribers can reach out to Yee and he can work with them to provide a customized training or coaching program. These can include formal online courses or the opportunity to shadow Yee in his work as head of a real estate brokerage. According to Yee, he customizes his program because people have different learning styles. Some people learn better in a structured environment, while others are learners by watching or by doing.

Yellow Sign Commercial was established in 2012 by Yee, after spending six years at a major real estate brokerage in the Vermont region. Throughout his real estate career of almost 20 years, Yee has sold over $50,000,000 in real estate, leased over 300,000 square feet of commercial space, and closed over 30 business and restaurant deals. Before joining the real estate industry, he was a stockbroker and a car salesman.

Yee says that he launched this program to help mentor the next generation of real estate professionals. He recognizes the importance of strong mentorship in a person’s career because he has benefited from it.

“When I started in real estate, I knew next to nothing,” Yee says. “Fortunately, I was mentored by Linda Letourneau, a senior broker at the firm I used to work with. Real estate was very different from my previous job selling vehicles, which was much more straightforward some would say even easier. Linda shared one of her listings with me, and with her help, I got the deal done and I earned a commission of $400. That was small for almost a week’s work, but I knew that to be able to do the big deals, I needed to be able to do the small deals flawlessly.”

Today, with nearly two decades of real estate experience under his belt, Yee will be able to share the ins and outs of the industry with the people he coaches. A born salesman, a teenaged Yee recruited two of his friends to help him sell chocolates for a fundraiser at church. Their team raised the most funds and they received a prize of $1,000.

“I've been selling all my life, and I found that if you’re good at making friends and making people laugh, the job is easier. You also need to have integrity, which is doing the right thing, even when nobody's watching. If you do the right thing all the time, the right thing comes back to you. It’s the Law of Attraction that I’ve seen work in my own life so many times.”

Ultimately, Yee is passionate about mentoring other people because he wants to see other people succeed, perhaps even surpassing him. This is unusual, especially in an industry as competitive as real estate.

“Some people don’t want to see others succeed and try to keep them down to eliminate competition,” Yee says. “But I believe in the opposite. By helping other people up, there’s a good chance they will also help you up, and everybody wins. A good manager doesn’t micromanage and points out everything their employees do wrong. Instead, the good manager entrusts their people with responsibilities to show what they can do, while being always available to assist when needed.”

Media Contact

Name: Peter Yee


Original Source of the original story >> Yellow Sign Commercial President Peter Yee Launches Coaching and Mentorship Program ‘Work With Yee’

Published by: Pathos Communications Ltd