Energy sector business leaders from Canada and the U.S. will be among several keynote speakers at an Economic Summit Nov. 10-13, 2011, in Grande Prairie, according to Charlie Fisher, event host and Founder and President of Guiding Business Transitions (GBT), a corporate strategy, board governance, investor relations and business development consulting firm. Included will be Troy Walker, Founder, Chairman & CEO of Walker’s Holdings, Red Deer, AB; Derk Maat, Founder, Chairman & CEO of Maat Environmental Engineering Co., Oakville, ON; and Dr. Nick Castellano, Founder, Chairman & CEO of NC2 LLC, Mesa, AZ. The combined experience of these three companies and their principals in the energy sector is over 50 years, with an aggregate customer base that is global and includes many of the largest companies in the energy sector, including several of the Fortune 100.
“We are delighted and thrilled to be able to bring energy leaders of this caliber to the heart of the world-famous Alberta Tar Sands region,” said Dr. Bruce Cook, founder and convener of the summit, known as K.E.Y.S. (Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit). Cook lives in the Austin, TX area and is Founder & President of VentureAdvisers Inc., Kingdom House Publishing, and Kingdom Venture Partners, and is a director and/or trustee of four other companies, including Merging Streams Financial Network LLC.
Patterned loosely after the World Economic Forum, but with a Christian focus and perspective, K.E.Y.S. Canada will feature more than a dozen keynote speakers, including Cook and Fisher, such as Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. Doug Atha, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Os Hillman, Marc Brisebois, Glen Boyd, Carolita Oliveros, Wende Jones, Fulton Sheen and John Anderson.
Mayor of Grand Prairie, Bill Given, will welcome the Economic Summit delegates and attendees on Friday, Nov. 11 at 9:00 am, followed by a 2nd welcome from First Nations representatives Art and Lori Auger from Grande Prairie, and then a brief awards ceremony honoring the late Sylvan Swanberg and Frank Bigel of Grande Prairie.
K.E.Y.S. and GBT will be donating part of the proceeds from KEYS Canada to a local community nonprofit organization named Rising Above, which ministers to the homeless, jobless, abused women, needy children, etc.
Summit worship leaders are Krista Fisher and Peter Christensen of Grande Prairie. Personal prayer ministers are Jess Bielby and Charles Robinson. Intercession leaders are Jon Grieser, Wigs Bello, Yvette Jobson and Tammenthia Diesel.
Venue for K.E.Y.S. Canada is the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, located near downtown and the airport. Schedule is registration 2:00-7:00 pm Nov. 10th and opening session 7:00 pm -12:00 midnight, then Nov. 11-12 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. The Summit will close Sunday, Nov. 13th with a final service from 8:00 to 9:30 am.
For more information on K.E.Y.S. Canada, visit their web site at or call toll free 1-877-409-3663, ext. 701. Registration includes all meals on site. Group rates are available, with an 11% discount offered to groups of 11 or more.
Press Release distributed by
For Media Inquiries
Dr. Bruce Cook, Convener
Office: 512-259-8240
Fax: 512-697-0088
About KEYS Summit:
Patterned loosely after the World Economic Forum, but with a Christian focus and perspective, the KEYS Summit will feature a number of keynote speakers from around the world. For more information on the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit, visit their web site at
Point Of Contact:
Dr. Bruce Cook, Convener
Office: 512-259-8240
Fax: 512-697-0088
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- Energy Sector Leaders Speak At Economic Summit In Grande Prairie, AB NOV 10-13
Energy Sector Leaders Speak At Economic Summit In Grande Prairie, AB NOV 10-13
Last updated Tuesday, November 1, 2011 10:15 ETEnergy sector business leaders from both Canada and the U.S. to speak at an Economic Summit to be held in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Nov. 10-13, 2011.

GRANDE PRAIRIE, Canada, 11/01/2011 / SubmitMyPR /
grande prairie alberta
energy sector
economic summit
alberta tar sands
Guiding Business Transitions
World Economic Forum
Economic forum
Grand Prairie Alberta Canada
Mayor Bill Given
Keys Canada
Bruce Cook
Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit
Economic Summit
Troy Walker
Walker’s Holdings
Red Deer Alberta
Derk Maat
Maat Environmental Engineering Co
Oakville ON
Dr. Nick Castellano
Founder NC2 LLC
Os Hillman
Glen Boyd
John Anderson
Fulton Sheen
Carolita Oliveros
Marc Brisebois
Dr. Gordon Bradshaw
Dr. Doug Atha
Wende Jones
Mark Kauffman
energy leaders