Sunday, February 23, 2025

First Resort Begins Producing Informative Videos For Clients

Last updated Thursday, August 23, 2012 17:17 ET

First Resort is a Pregnancy Counseling Women’s Health Clinic. We provide counseling and medical care to women.

San Francisco, USA, 08/23/2012 / SubmitMyPR /

The First Resort Clinic is a pregnancy counseling women’s health clinic to women of all ages. Counseling and medical care is provided to women who are faced with the tough decisions of an unplanned pregnancy.

In addition to the free services and information available to all clients of First Resort Clinic, the organization announced today they are set to release a number of educational videos about the services they provide and how it is beneficial to women facing difficult pregnancy-related decisions. The videos are all produced using high quality animation techniques with animated characters to illustrate a singular problem and providing a simple solution.

The beginning of the series is now available for immediate release and will continually be added to over the next few months until about 50 videos are produced. First Resort uses the power of short videos to simply and effectively educate clients on the different options available and what to expect in their unique situations. All videos are free of charge and can be accessed at www.youtube.com/user/FirstResortBayArea.

First Resort offers many services to women including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, pregnancy verification, early prenatal care, information on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and contraception, referrals to other services, information on adoption and much more. Each clinic is dedicated to giving women reliable and supportive information during the entire process of a pregnancy.

Each client of First Resort Clinic is given complete and accurate information on all the options available to them in a confidential, supportive and non-pressured environment. First Resort has dedicated their practice to believing in the empowerment of women through informed choices and to be able to confidentially weigh all their options. Counselors are available for support to both clients and those involved in the pregnancy, women and men alike.

All of First Resort’s services are free of charge and are provided by a professional and experienced team of counselors and nurses. First Resort is a 501 (c)(3) California public benefit, non-profit organization; and through generous financial donations, the clinic has been able to provide quality care to their clients for over 25 years. Their mission and goal is to help women make healthy, well-informed choices based on their belief and values.

First Resort Clinic offers three conveniently located offices in San Francisco, Oakland and Redwood City. First Resort Clinics operate under the supervision of two board certified, California-licensed OB-GYN medical doctors. First Resort provides access to on-site registered nurses and trained counselors during all hours of operation in each of its facilities.

First Resort has been helping women since 1984, and has served over 20,000 women in the greater San Francisco Bay area. For more information on all the services offered by First Resort or to get in contact with one of the facilities please visit firstresort.org or call toll-free at 1-888-252-1822.

FIRST RESORT CLINICS: Oakland: 510-891-9998 * San Francisco: 415-627-9175 * Redwood City: 650-261-9115