Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Got a Miracle? Submit a Story GoFundMe.com/2djuxk

Last updated Saturday, March 23, 2013 19:08 ET

Got a Miracle? Submit Your Story© people NEED GOOD NEWS! Share your miracle story this Easter & give hope in hard times: http://www.gofundme.com/2djuxk

US, 03/23/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Got a Miracle? Submit Your Story© Media today bombard the public with BAD NEWS; people today WANT & NEED GOOD NEWS and will find it in my book project, Got a Miracle? Stories of the Divine in Daily Life©, by Sharon M. Larson. Sharing your miracle story is a way for you to express and expand your gratitude while reinforcing belief in the Great Mystery of Life...…Please click on the following link:

http://www.gofundme.com/2djuxk for details and more information and a free poster/sign. This book project is non-denominational and does not seek to prove or disprove anyone’s credibility. See my website: www.livingletterslegacy.com for more information: Detailed Guidelines for Submitting Miracle Stories, a list of Rewards/Perks for Contributors, and a Consent Form with all Contact Information are available at this address: http://www.livingletterslegacy.com/feedback.htm on the Feedback pg. of my website. Remember, miracles aren’t limited to people with formal religious memberships. Spirit is breath, is life. Let’s together tell our stories so that others everywhere can fill their lungs afresh and be energized with an infusion of wonder, hope and joy in these hard times!

Guidelines for submitting stories for this book about miracles:

Your complete contact information must be sent with your miracle story (Only one story submission per person) to my email address: [email protected]
1.) The book will be non-denominational. You don’t have to believe in or formally belong to any particular religious tradition or organization, church, synagogue, congregation, temple, etc. to submit your sincere miracle story for consideration in my book. I both acknowledge and appreciate that among the overwhelming 90 %majority of the people in a 2011 Gallop Poll who declared themselves as believing in God or a Higher Power a significant number of those persons may view themselves as “Spiritual” rather than ascribing to any “Doctrinal Religion.” Miracles are not limited to folks with formal religious memberships.

2.) My purpose is not to prove nor disprove anyone’s miracle story; neither do I claim nor would desire to be any kind of church or religious authority. However, in terms of my education, employment, and life experiences the following is cited: I have a BA in English, summa cum laude, with a Theology minor, from a RC Franciscan-founded University, have worked for Protestant Churches (Episcopal & Methodist respectively) as Secretary, Editor & Columnist for their weekly & monthly newsletters, also written & publically presented original, spiritually-oriented workshops, dramas, prose and poetry throughout my life. For more, see my website: www.livingletterslegacy.com where the Writing Sample pg. has my personal miracle memoir, “Amy’s Angel©.”

3.) Chapters: Stories will be topically organized in according to such potential themes as: Medical, Military, Visions, Character Transformations, Creativity (Artistic, Musical), Mothers/Children, Travel, Monetary, & more.

4.) Sources: For reasons of respectful trust, confidentiality & legality, I’m only accepting stories from the person who directly experienced the miracle or some member of their family that did; the recipient of the miracle must give their signed permission for its submission and potential publication; a permission/release form may be found at this address http://www.livingletterslegacy.com/feedback.htm on the Feedback pg. of my website. All contributors of stories selected for this book will be gratefully acknowledged in the book’s Afterword unless anonymity is requested and would be respected.

5.) NOT acceptable stories: those glorifying violence with virtual reality, super/anti- heroes, vampires, etc.

6.) MOST desirable stories: those bringing people together, connecting them, wherever they are in whatever circumstances, prompting thinking about spiritual matters, bringing HOPE in these increasingly dehumanizing days. As *metaphysical poet John Donne wrote in the 17th century, ‘No man or woman is an island.” (*term simply means relating to the transcendent, or the underlying reality, beyond what is commonly known to our senses.)

7.) Length of Stories: As a book collection of many stories, each entry must not exceed 2,500 words total.