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Follow Experts' Export Posts During BIS Update Conference

Last updated Tuesday, July 16, 2013 14:27 ET

Can't attend the BIS Update? No worries. International trade law and consulting firms offer regular conference updates via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Washington, DC, USA, 07/16/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Companies not able to send representatives to next week’s Bureau of Industry and Security Annual Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy can rest easy. Export practice leaders from leading international trade law firm Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, PA (ST&R) and its related consulting company Sandler & Travis Trade Advisory Services, Inc. (STTAS) will be attending the conference and offering regular updates via social media outlets Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as a post-conference white paper.

ST&R attorney Melissa Miller Proctor and STTAS Senior Manager Erin Clark will focus on updating global traders on issues critical to the export community from the conference floor and will follow up with a white paper synopsis of key information after the event.

This year’s BIS Conference will be held at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. July 23-25, 2013. Billed as “Export Control Update: Fulfilling the Promise,” the conference hot topic will be the sweeping export control reforms that are being rolled out throughout the year. Understanding the rules and rapid implementation are key to maintaining export compliance and, with the first wave of rules slated to go into effect in October, exporters are eager for information and implementation guidance.

“As companies strive to transition seamlessly to new export rules it is critical that they get the latest information as quickly as possible and that knowledgeable professionals are available to interpret the new rules and assist with implementation,” explains Proctor. “ST&R and STTAS export experts will be on hand throughout the conference making sure that the export trade community has access to this information and, even more importantly, that it is presented in a way that makes it of practical use from a business operations perspective.”

Exporters are encouraged to follow ST&R and STTAS Twitter posts at @strtrade and @sttas_us and Facebook posts at www.facebook.com/strtrade. LinkedIn feeds will be available on each firm’s company page. Search Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg and Sandler & Travis Trade Advisory Services from the LinkedIn search bar.

Conference attendees are invited to stop by the ST&R/STTAS booth for face-to-face discussions about export issues during the conference and to register for the follow up export reform white paper.

About Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, PA and Sandler & Travis Trade Advisory Services, Inc.:

Founded in 1977, ST&R and STTAS boast 600 global trade professionals, operating out of 12 offices in six countries located throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Together, ST&R and STTAS offer unsurpassed global import and export advice, managed services solutions, legal representation and trade policy and government relations assistance to importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, service providers and governments. Please visit www.strtrade.com to learn more about the firms.

Please also consider subscribing to the Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report. E-mailed daily, the free ST&R Trade Report provides the latest information on U.S. trade laws, regulations, policies and procedures as well as bilateral, regional and international trade negotiations and agreements. Subscribe here: www.strtrade.com/publications

About the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security Conference:

The annual Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy gives the exporting community the opportunity to learn first-hand from senior U.S. Government officials about current issues and trends in export control policies, regulations and practices. This major outreach activity draws business and government representatives from around the world to learn and exchange ideas about export control issues. It provides the opportunity to network with colleagues in the export control industry, interact with U.S. government officials, and learn about programs and services offered by U.S. Government and industry exhibitors. It is one of the Department’s most notable international trade events. A predominant theme of this year’s conference will be the significant work that has been accomplished in Export Control Reform.

The conference is being held at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC from July 23 to July 25, 2013.