Modern day comforts are not only taken for granted, but we have become so attached to them that we lose contact and miss the opportunity of enjoying nature and its relaxing, soothing sounds. Although internet and most gadgets are helpful in our daily lives, the truth is that we have become totally detached from simple, down to earth living. Stress takes away the pleasures of life and has become all too dominating in our daily routines. This is one of the reasons that we seek to enjoy a vacation, to disconnect ourselves from our daily routines, and allow us to come back into contact with nature.
Seeking the perfect destination for vacation time has become a difficult task. Every day we hear of new, glitzy resorts, and fancy destinations that are all competing for our holiday time. Of course the most famous of all, specially for the young crowd is the beach; sea and sand have a magic allure that attracts many young vacationers who are looking to party, meet other young folks and forget about their daily tasks at home. However, many middle aged and senior folks are looking for vacations that can soothe their souls and there are few places around the world that fit into that category.
Central America is one and has many different options that fall into this category. Although modernization has come to all big cities in the region, the truth is that life in the smaller villages and towns is still as down to earth as it was a century ago. Small cities and towns showcases the abundance in respect for all persons, whether local or visitors, where life still is in touch with nature and the old farming ways. Where instead of having a bottled drink, you enjoy a fresh fruit juice or smoothie with an authentic taste. Where tropical fruits abound, and you will be amazed at the variety of flavors and fruits you did not even dream existed.
The Central American Toucan can be seen and heard throughout the River Cangrejal Watershed of La Ceiba, Honduras. Where you can hear the water flowing down huge boulders, running towards the sea, with tropical white water fish fighting to go against the current and reach the headwaters of the river. Best of all, the water is clear and has a very pleasant temperature because it is not runoff of snow or ice. It is born high in the tropical mountains from fresh natural water springs.
Best of all, since Central America is so close to the USA, it will only take up to 4 hours of travel time from any of the mayor gateway cities to the region. If you are looking for a laid back, natural, authentic destination to enjoy, Honduras and Nicaragua are highly recommended; these two lovely and unique countries have many different options for you to enjoy. Honduras, for example, offers the charm of a small Caribbean town in the Island of Utila, here, people still walk on the pedestrian streets, smile at each other and greet tourists, who in the end are nothing more than friends visiting their island. Small colonial towns, such as Copan Ruinas, Santa Rosa de Copan and Gracias offer the charm of colonial buildings, cobble stoned streets, lively markets with fresh produce and best of all really friendly people.
If you are looking for nature, the Cangrejal River, which flows into the Caribbean and divides the city of La Ceiba in two, offers unique access to trails in the dense tropical rain forest, outstanding bird watching, some of the best white water rafting in Central America and friendly people. If you are looking for an affordable Costa Rica or Belize alternative, Honduras is a place you should check out. With its affordable property, cost of living and huge growth potential now is a great time to invest in a vacation getaway, oceanfront lot or place to retire.
At Honduras Oceanfront Lots, we are here to help and have many properties to choose from. Contact us at 321-368-9921 and visit our website at
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- Plan Your Vacation with Honduras Oceanfront Lots
Plan Your Vacation with Honduras Oceanfront Lots
Last updated Sunday, January 5, 2014 19:13 ETVisit them online at!

01/05/2014 / SubmitMyPR /
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