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Surgical Mask Uses Crowd Funding to Deliver Ebola Protection to Those in Need

Last updated Thursday, October 23, 2014 08:44 ET

A Fund Raising campaign to effectively distribute revolutionary a Surgical Mask INNOVATION to those that need it to fight Ebola and all viruses

Sarasota , usa, 10/23/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

Surgical Mask Company Uses Crowd Funding Platform to Deliver Mask Protection against All Viruses and EBOLA to Those that Need Immunity


Virus Mask Protection announced today that it had produced a crowd funding campaign to effectively distribute their surgical mask innovation to those that need it.


"Our campaign will enable public and corporations to show their support to distribute our innovative, protective masks though the CDC, the World Health Organization, United Nations and UNICEF. The more donations we raise the more of our mask protection will be delivered to those that need it.-Tuck Tucker, Campaign Manager


Definition: INNOVATION:  (in-uh-vey-shuh-n): something new or different introduced-like this mask with revolutionary properties.


•       Note: campaign distribution estimates are between 7500-10,000 masks


Process: We will coordinate with the healthcare organization(s) to find out how many and where to ship our protective masks?-to do the most good.


The Fund Raiser Campaign may be reviewed at:


and www.Indiegogo.com at:



 “ a must-have tool in a first aid kit for every doctor, healthcare worker and hospital.”-Doctor, Urgent Care, St Louis, Mo


The innovative mask (the Protector Virus Mask) is an innovation in the surgical mask market and delivers powerfully effective, extra protection and benefits to those that wear it.


The Protector Virus Mask restricts and defeats pathogens including:

•       EBOLA

•       Influenza/Flu

•       TB

•       Measles

•       Asbestos

•       Coughs and sneezes

•       People with illness


This Mask is different: MORE powerful!

Using a proprietary application process, the virus protection mask is a cost-effective surgical mask containing special properties including colloidal silver (Silver Colloidal Hydrosol) treated with various homeopathic chemical ingredients, chloride and liquid minerals.


The valuable immune properties in the mask innovation are the use of colloidal silver. The key to product development success was to find elements that would successfully interact or bond with the silver and add potency, strength and better protection. The result is a powerful surgical-type mask with super-charged ions that grab and restrict the passage of air particles through the mask to one’s nose.


The benefits of wearing a protective surgical mask are well-known.

The FDA observed on their website the value of a mask. "Healthcare workers who may be exposed to people with Ebola should follow these steps: Wear protective clothing, including masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection."


Features and Benefits of the Protector Virus Mask include:

•       Protects Immune System and NO direct contact

•       Enables user to avoid pathogens: EBOLA and other viruses

•       REDUCES Airborne and other diseases exposure

•       EASY TO USE and Cost effective

•       Maintains, supports, and PROTECTS immune systems

•       RESTRICTS direct contact unwanted Bacteria and virus

•       SAFE: CDC approved materials- with multiple virus reduction benefits

•       EAST TO USE: slips over your ears and covers your month

•       CONVENIENT: carry one in your briefcase, suitcase, or purse

•       Make a great gift and stock stuffer!? ?Virus Mask Protector stores easily in:

•       Glove compartments

•       Purses

•       Briefcases

•       Luggage

•       First Aid kits



For more information, campaign details and licensing opportunities:

Contact Manager/Inventor: Tuck Tucker

Telephone: Direct: 941 914.8076 and Office: 941.388.7538

Email: [email protected] - Sarasota Florida USA

Website: www.VirusMaskProtection.com?