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1-800-CAR-WRECK to Help “Stuff the Bus” for K104 Annual Holiday Toy Drive

Last updated Tuesday, December 1, 2015 11:49 ET

Dallas personal injury lawyers Eberstein Witherite LLP is set to participate in an annual toy drive hosted by top Dallas Hip Hop and R&B radio station K104.

Dallas, 12/01/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

Dallas personal injury lawyers Eberstein Witherite LLP is set to participate in an annual toy drive hosted by top Dallas Hip Hop and R&B radio station K104.


Dallas, TX - Eberstein Witherite LLP is gearing up to participate in this year’s “Stuff the Bus” toy drive, hosted by popular Dallas area radio station K104. The annual event is held with the support of K104 and DART to help provide toys and other items to children in need for the holidays.


Dallas Children Living in Poverty


Dallas’ poor population has seen a sharp increase over the last several years.


Source: KERA NEWS Report “In Dallas, Poverty Has Skyrocketed Over The Past Decade”


From 2000 to 2012, the number of poor people in Dallas rose by 41 percent. That far outweighs the city's overall 5 percent population growth during the same period. Mayor Mike Rawlings’ poverty task force has issued a report that shows the startling growth – and outlines suggestions to help reduce poverty rates.


To read more visit http://keranews.org/post/dallas-poverty-has-skyrocketed-over-past-decade.


Statistics also show that from 2000 to 2012, family income for single mothers with children in the city declined by 30 percent. In addition, Dallas was determined by the task force to have the highest child poverty rate than any other city with a population of over one million people.


Due to poverty, many children throughout Dallas-Fort Worth are forced to go without toys and presents like others who are in their peer groups receive for anticipated holidays like Christmas. Low-income families who suffer from poverty year round, tend to suffer additional stressors during the holiday season that accompany not wanting to leave their children at a disadvantage in this way. For a significant number who cannot make ends meet around the holidays, charitable donations are the only means of their being able to obtain Christmas gifts for their children.


Stuff the Bus: A Worthwhile Cause


This year’s “Stuff the Bus” toy drive will be held Friday, December 4th at the DART station on Mockingbird Lane. Eberstein Witherite has pledged to donate toys, blankets, and diapers to the cause in addition to presenting a check donation to the Salvation Army. Dallas attorney Amy Witherite will appear live on air with K104’s DeDe in the Morning Show crew. The 1-800-CAR-WRECK team will also be on hand to provide giveaways to listeners who donate toys.


Says Dallas personal injury lawyer Amy Witherite of the event “we are excited to help bring in donations for Dallas area children who may otherwise go without the gifts that bring so many joy around the holiday season. We must also not forget that poverty is all year around for so many and keep up the effort to help eradicate this very serious issue in our city.”


Those who wish to donate to the “Stuff the Bus” toy drive can visit http://1800carwreck.tv/ for more information.


About 1-800-CAR-WRECK/ Eberstein Witherite LLP


The personal injury lawyers of Eberstein Witherite have more than a combined century of experience helping individuals who have been hurt by the negligence or misconduct of others. The team has also developed a strong reputation as community advocates who promote and participate in a broad range of initiatives designed to support those at an economic disadvantage in the Texas communities served by the firm.


For more information about the law firm of Eberstein Witherite or the causes it supports, please visit http://www.1800-car-wreck.com/. For help with a personal injury matter, please call 1-800-CAR-WRECK.


Media Contact:


Lucy Tiseo


Phone: 866-774-5410


Connect with Eberstein Witherite on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+

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