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Aviation Attorney - Top Mistakes Pilots Make

Last updated Tuesday, December 8, 2015 15:57 ET

Aviation Safety Magazine Report “The Problem With Flight Training. Aviation attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, 12/08/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

HEADLINE: Aviation Attorney - Top Mistakes Pilots Make That Place Commercial Plane Passengers at Risk


Aviation attorney Jonathan C. Reiter outlines four of the most commonly reported pilot errors that put the lives of commercial plane passengers at risk.


Statistics show that an estimated 80 percent of commercial and 90 percent of general aviation accidents are linked to pilot error. Pilot error is a generalized term that references a number of actions or decisions that pilots make that lead to accidents. The issue has been the stated cause of several high profile plane crashes that have occurred in recent years, including the crash of an Era Aviation Beechcraft 1900 C/C that occurred at the Homer Airport in 2013. The National Transportation Safety Board recently released a report outlining the agency’s findings of what caused the crash.


Source: Peninsula Clarion “Report: Pilot error cause of 2013 Era crash”


“Pilot error caused the Oct. 23, 2013, crash of an Era Aviation Beechcraft 1900 C/C at the Homer Airport, the National Transportation Safety Board said in a report…The two-engine plane slid on its belly from the east end of the runway to near the terminal after the landing gear collapsed. All 13 passengers and the two crew members walked away from the crash. Three passengers are now alleging injuries. The plane was flying to Homer from Anchorage.”


To read more visit http://peninsulaclarion.com/news/2015-10-31/report-pilot-eror-cause-of-2013-era-crash.


According to Aviation Safety Magazine, pilot error may be tactical, which is based on the poor conduct or decision making of pilots, or operational, which is related to a pilot’s training or flight instruction.


Source: Aviation Safety Magazine Report “The Problem With Flight Training”


“A catchall phrase, pilot error, is assigned either as a broad cause or a factor in upwards of 90 percent of general aviation accidents. But pilot error comes in two distinctly different flavors: tactical errors, which can be attributed directly to a pilot's chosen behavior; and operational errors, which can be traced back to instructional errors or omissions committed during flight training.”


To read more visit http://www.aviationsafetymagazine.com/airplane/Flight-Training-Mistakes.html


Personal Injury Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter, who has worked on a number of high profile plane crash cases, says there are five pilot errors that he’s seen reported more frequently than others throughout his career that have led to serious accidents. These include:


  • Pilots demonstrating overconfidence of their ability to continue flying in inclement weather - In many plane crashes that are attributed to inclement weather, a number resulted because the pilot chose to continue flying in spite of the risks. Some give in to the pressure of trying to make sure passengers get to a destination on time, or mistakenly view themselves as capable of flying through foggy conditions that could cause them to lose control and crash.

  • Inadequate preflight preparations - Some pilots overlook the importance of using a preflight checklist once they feel they have gained enough experience to do everything out of memory. However, by not relying on a checklist they run the risk of overlooking important steps that will help them ensure the safest flight possible.

  • Poor communication - Poor communication with air traffic control can occur for a number of reasons. One major problem is the choice some pilots make to keep quiet when they need help or aren’t clear about ATC instructions. When pilots fail to get clarification about what they think they heard if there is a misunderstanding, serious consequences could result.

  • Not using the “I’M SAFE” checklist - In addition to using a checklist for preflight preparations pertaining to the safety of aircraft and operations, pilots are also instructed to perform a checklist regarding their health. The “I’M SAFE” checklist is a guideline for helping pilots assess their physical and emotional health before taking their place in the cockpit. Some pilots forget to use the measure; however, and choose to operate a plane while experiencing fatigue, stress, or other conditions that could impact their ability to safely operate a plane.


For families of plane crash victims who have been involved in an aviation accident caused by pilot error, there are legal options to explore for ensuring that an airline is held accountable. By speaking with an aviation accident lawyer, one can obtain an assessment of the options that are available for their specific case.


Media Contact:


Jonathan C. Reiter Law Firm, PLLC



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