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Felony Criminal Case Against Rick Perry Thrown Out By Appeals Court

Last updated Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:50 ET

The abuse-of-power case against former Texas Governor Rick Perry has been dismissed

Dallas, 03/10/2016 / SubmitMyPR /

The felony criminal case against former Texas Governor Rick Perry has been dismissed. Reports say that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals made their 6-2 decision on February 24, ending the abuse-of-power case against Perry that according to the former governor had an impact on his 2016 bid for the Presidential office.

Source: AP Report “Texas court tosses criminal case against former Gov. Perry”

The felony prosecution of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ended Wednesday when the state's highest criminal court dismissed an abuse-of-power indictment that the Republican says hampered his short-lived 2016 presidential bid. The 6-2 decision by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which is dominated by elected Republican judges, frees Perry from a long-running criminal case that blemished the exit of one of the most powerful Texas governors in history and hung over his second failed run for the White House.

To read more visit http://news.yahoo.com/texas-court-clears-ex-gov-rick-perry-2nd-150646399.html;_ylt=AwrC2Q6tANFWWTQALCbQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--.

Perry was indicted by a grand jury in 2014 in connection with charges stemming from his veto of funding for a public corruption unit. The unit operated under Travis County District Democratic Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, whom’s resignation Perry sought after she sustained a drunken driving conviction. Perry stood accused of threatening a public official with his veto power, overstepping his authority. However, the judges determined that courts can’t undermine a governor’s veto power.

Source: AP Report “The Latest: Ex-Gov. Perry says indictment proved ‘baseless’”

“Texas' highest criminal court dismissed an abuse-of-power indictment against the former governor. Perry has been campaigning for Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz since abandoning his own bid.”

To read more visit http://news.yahoo.com/latest-perry-case-ruling-veto-cant-curbed-courts-154242179.html;_ylt=AwrC2Q6tANFWWTQAKybQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--.

When Felony Charges Prove Baseless in Accordance With the Law

According to Texas criminal lawyer Mick Mickelsen, when a felony criminal case has been brought against a public official, “These are typically extremely complicated matters often involving obscure areas of the criminal law.”

Mickelsen has said of such cases in a past publication, “Where one court may view a set of circumstances one way, an appeals court may view them differently….in many of these types of cases it is important that prosecutors are held to their burden of proving that a crime actually occurred.”

He also said that, “More than insinuations are required to prove that such things were actually in violation of the criminal laws.”

The attorney notes that in many cases involving high profile figures like governors, public opinion is often shaped by media reports that may be far different from the criteria courts use to make a determination, leaving some surprised by the outcome. Mickelsen says of these types of controversial legal matters, “The finding of an appeals court can be unexpected in cases where a decision concerning a high profile public figure dramatically differs from what the general public believes it should be.”

Perry said of the appeals court ruling after the decision was announced, “I've always known the actions I took were not only lawful and legal, they were right.”

Individuals who have been charged with a felony crime and need help with understanding their rights to a fair trial, can contact the Dallas Criminal Lawyer of Broden Mickelsen law firm for a consultation about their case.

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