Thursday, March 13, 2025

Recognize If You Are A Victim Of Sexual Harassment

Last updated Wednesday, July 20, 2016 17:09 ET

Tom Holland and his associates aggressively work to protect the rights of those that have been victimized, neglected, or discriminated.

Philadelphia, United States, 07/20/2016 / SubmitMyPR /

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly one in three women experiences sexual harassment at work. That’s a staggering statistic when it would seem that we have made numerous advances in gender equality within the past 50 years. However, it’s apparent that this degrading situation still affects many individuals across the nation.  

The law defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual conduct at the workplace that causes an employee to lose his or her job, a promotion, or creates a workplace environment that is hostile, offensive or intimidating.

Sexual harassment is divided into two categories:

  1. Quid pro quo - sexual behavior that directly affects your employment outcome

  2. Hostile environment - sexual behavior that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment.


Recognize if You’re a Victim of Sexual Harassment

You may be unknowingly experiencing sexual harassment at work. Recognizing the following signs in your office will help determine if you are a victim of sexual misconduct.

  • Looks, comments or touches that make you feel uneasy and disturbed

  • Inability to focus on necessary work because of the presence of your supervisor or coworker that causes you alarm

  • Sexually explicit videos, pictures or comments sent via email or social media

  • Sexual jokes

  • Touches on any part of your body that are not warranted or welcome

  • Direct request for sexual favors with respect to your job position or environment


Know Your Rights

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you have a right to take action. Your rights in the workplace:

  • You have the right to the absence of sexual favors and misconduct that affect your employment position.

  • You have the right to a safe work environment, physically and mentally.

  • You have the right to file a complaint with your company for sexual harassment, with no change in your employment status or position.

  • You have the right to seek legal action for sexual harassment in the workplace.

  • You have the right to legal representation and in some cases, settlement.  


About TMH Law

Tom Holland practices law with tenacity and compassion. He and his associates aggressively work to protect the rights of those that have been victimized, neglected, or discriminated. As trial lawyers specializing in employment cases, the team at Thomas More Holland Law focuses on the rights of victims. The complexity of employment cases can be difficult to navigate, as these cases involve numerous state and federal laws. However, TMH Law delivers years of experience and expertise for their clients, bringing justice for victims and in many cases rightful settlement.


Their tenacious spirit and their compassionate heart make them the best boutique law firm for the success of your case.