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What Coal-Burning Plants Are Doing To The Environment

Last updated Friday, September 29, 2017 14:43 ET

Coal-burning power plants generate particulate matter that cause lung damage and premature death. Clean energy sources and public education can save lives.

Riverdale, NJ, 09/29/2017 / SubmitMyPR /

Throughout the world, coal-burning power plants are generating the energy required by millions of residences and commercial facilities. But these coal-burning plants are not just providing energy, they are also triggering the release of harmful particulates that are worsening air quality.

In fact, burning coal caused nearly 400,000 premature deaths in China in 2013, according to the New York Times. Coal burning generates 40 percent of the country’s harmful pollutants known as particulate matter (PM), contaminants that include solid and liquid airborne particles. (1)

There are three critical ranges of PM – PM10, MP2.5 and PM1. The latter, PM1 and PM2.5 are the most dangerous to human health because they are very small, smaller that the eye can see, which makes it easy for people to inhale or swallow these contaminants. Once PM enters the body, it can harm the lungs and respiratory passages, and studies have found that long-term exposure to PM1 and PM2.5 can cause decreased lung function, lung cancer and heart disease.

Coal-burning is especially dangerous in China because the country uses as much coal annually as all other countries combined, and coal burning in the country is the biggest source of both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, the leading cause of climate change.

So why is coal such a major contributor to pollution not just in China but also throughout the world, and what steps are countries taking to reduce the amount of coal burned by power plants?

How Coal Power Causes Pollution

Coal is a combustible black fossil fuel that is made of carbonized plant matter found in deep underground reservoirs. It is a primary source of fuel in many countries, especially developing countries, because it is cheap and plentiful.

But as mentioned earlier, there are consequences to using this fossil fuel, which become clearer as you begin to understand how coal power causes pollution.

When coal is burned, it releases carbon dioxide (CO2), which scientists have found helps trap heat and is a primary cause of global warming. But long-term exposure to CO2  is also harmful to human health, because it can lead to dizziness, difficulty breathing, headache and an inability to make logical decisions.

At higher concentrations, CO2 can cause you to become unconscious, and if medical treatment is not available, it can lead to death.

And according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the average coal-burning plant in the U.S. creates 3.5 million tons of COeach year, making the U.S. and China the countries with the largest total coal emissions in the world. (2)

What makes coal burning even more dangerous to human health is that it also generates sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury and lead.

Coal burning plants are the biggest generators of sulfur dioxide in the U.S., and sulfur dioxide has been linked with lung disease due to microscopic, acidic particulates that enter the lungs.

Nitrogen oxide has been linked with the creation of ground level ozone that contributes to lung tissue damage, worsens asthma conditions and increases the risk of people developing respiratory illnesses.

Numerous studies have identified PM as a contributor to illnesses such as bronchitis, lung disease, and heart disease. In fact, people in countries where PM is at a high level often experience higher incidences of premature deaths. And to put things into perspective, the average coal-burning plant emits 500 tons of PM into the environment each year.

How to Reduce Coal Pollution

Countries are beginning to find answers to the challenge of how to reduce coal pollution.

In the U.S. for example, CO2 emissions from all power plants decreased 21 percent from 2005 to 2015, driven in large part by the country’s adoption of the Clean Power Plan. (3)

Part of this decrease in emissions has been achieved by a gradual shift from coal-burning plants to plants that generate electricity through natural gas.

China is following the U.S.’s lead and is investing in other sources of clean energy, while also implementing stricter emission standards for coal-burning plants.

“Coal is an inexpensive way for developing countries to generate the power necessary to meet increasing energy demands,” Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “But the consequence of coal-fired power plants as well as coal used for household cooking is that it creates toxic pollutants. Countries are beginning to implement clean-energy solutions to lower outdoor coal pollution. They are also implementing public education strategies to help their citizens begin the shift from coal-based cooking to electrical and gas-based cooking.”

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

As countries around the world grapple with how to handle pollution generated by coal-burning plants, government officials continue to urge the public to join in the fight.

You can reduce your carbon footprint by joining a carpool to work several times a week, or if feasible, walking or taking public transportation to your job. You can also invest in Energy Star appliances that save energy while also lowering carbon emissions.

About Camfil

Camfil’s air filter products have a 5-STAR Energy Cost Index (ECI) Rating — the highest rating available. Our air filters also offer the longest life and lowest average pressure drop over the life of the filter, guaranteed. Camfil’s driving principle is providing quality at an affordable price, and the company’s guiding principle is that clean air should be every human’s right

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  1. http://www.ucsusa.org/clean-energy/coal-and-other-fossil-fuels/coal-air-pollution#.WXJAcihkfgw
  2. http://www.climatecentral.org/news/power-plant-emissions-fall-lowest-level-decades-20357
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/18/world/asia/china-coal-health-smog-pollution.html