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What to Do After a Bicycle Accident Says Bicycle accident lawyer in Philadelphia

Last updated Tuesday, July 24, 2018 12:24 ET

Pennsylvania car accident attorney educates on three important things to do if you are hit by a car while on your bicycle.

Philadelphia, 07/24/2018 / SubmitMyPR /

Philadelphia auto accident attorney, Rand Spear, discusses car accidents involving bicycles, what you should do if you are the bicyclist, and why you need an experienced car accident attorney to represent your claim.

There is no traveler on the roads who is more unprotected than a bicyclist, and with winter over and warmer days ahead, there will be more and more bicycling going on. Unfortunately, riding on busy streets can become an accident waiting to happen for some bicyclists, and a number of them will be involved in an accident with a motor vehicle. When that happens, it’s important to know what to do.

What to Do Immediately After a Bicycle Accident

If you are a bicyclist involved in an accident with a car, it may be necessary to seek emergency medical attention immediately. If that is the case, your physical and medical health must come first. However, if it is at all possible, the following three steps will greatly assist you with any future claim:

  • Collect Driver Information – Pennsylvania has many visitors every year, so it’s imperative that you collect the right information from the driver of the car that hit you. Ask to see the driver’s license, insurance information, and rental information if the driver has rented the car. If the driver fails to show you any of these documents, call the police, if you haven’t already.
  • Collect Witness Information – It’s often difficult to locate witnesses of the accident later, so it’s important that you obtain names and contact information for anyone who witnessed the accident at the scene.
  • Take Photos or Video of the Accident Scene – If you are able, take as many photographs, video, and recordings of witness statements as you can while you are still at the scene. This evidence will help your lawyer prove your case.

Remember, if you’re hurt and emergency personnel thinks you need to go to the hospital for further medical treatment, that should be your priority.

About Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorney Rand Spear

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile-bicycle accident, it’s crucial that you contact a personal injury attorney who has experience with car accident cases. These cases can be complicated and because bicyclists do not typically carry insurance of their own, compensation can be difficult to obtain. Car wreck lawyer Rand Spear, can help you proceed with your case. Give him a call today at 215-985-2424, for help with your claim.


Rand Spear Bicycle accident lawyer in Philadelphia

(T): 215-985-2424




Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case. Recoveries always depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case, the injuries suffered, damages incurred, and the responsibility of those involved. This article is not to be considered advise, only the execution of the contingency agreement with this law firm will constitute an attorney client relationship. The contents of this article are for general information only. If you would like to pursue a claim, please contact an attorney immediately to discuss your specific facts and circumstances regarding your claim. Some cases accepted by this law firm may be referred to or worked on by other lawyers, depending on the area of practice and specifics of a particular case.


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