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Austin Texas Students Need Your Help. Donate to a Reputable Non-Profit in Austin

Last updated Friday, June 12, 2020 21:04 ET

Learn an easy way to get you and your family involved in building up the Austin community and helping children in need.

Austin, Texas, 06/12/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

One Surprisingly Simple Way You Can Help Austin Children In Need

Austin TX — Virtual schools just got out for the summer. If you're the parent of a school-aged child, school supplies are probably the last thing on your mind. After several long months of balancing the chaotic combination of being a parent, an employee, and now a teacher, too. 

For many of us, it’s no big deal to take a trip to Staples or make an Amazon order for every single item on our children’s supply lists. We might even find that we already have half the items on those lists leftover from last year. We’ll probably put it off until late July, maybe even early August, just before our kids (hopefully) return to their school campuses. 

But for some children in our very own community, obtaining basic school supplies isn’t possible. Across Austin Independent School District, 52.4% of students are eligible for free and reduced lunch. At some schools, this figure reaches as high as 96%. For these economically disadvantaged families, the extensive list of required supplies, usually totaling at least $100, is an unmanageable financial burden. The widespread job loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has only heightened that burden. 

How You Can Get Involved

When students don’t have the supplies necessary to succeed in their education, sometimes teachers end up footing the bill by paying hundreds of dollars for classroom supplies. Since teachers are already underpaid, too, transferring the burden from families to teachers isn’t an acceptable solution.

It’s time for the Austin community to step up and make a difference for children and teachers in need. Here’s what you can do: 

  • Look out for school supply drives. Round up your spare unused or lightly used school supplies and donate them to an organization that will distribute them to families and teachers in need. 
  • Donate to a reputable non-profit organization who will purchase and distribute school supplies on your behalf. Even if you’re pressed for time, this is a great way to make a tangible difference. A donation of just $5 can make education more accessible for a child in need. 

About uSupplies

uSupplies is a 501(c)3 located in Austin, Texas with a mission to collect and distribute unused and lightly used school supplies to teachers and students in need. As a member of Mayor Adler’s corporate engagement council, uSupplies is making a real difference in the Austin community. To date, uSupplies has collected 1734 pounds of school supplies. Visit usupplies.org for more information.


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