Thursday, January 2, 2025


Last updated Saturday, October 3, 2020 21:56 ET

C.U.R.E. Classic will complete the distance from Centennial, CO to Abidjan, Ivory Coast in Africa to fund the delivery of a Cargo shipping container packed with donated medical supplies & equipment.

Centennial, 10/03/2020 / SubmitMyPR /


From October 23rd to 31st, 2020, Project C.U.R.E. is hosting the First Annual “C.U.R.E. Classic,” a virtual race that is sure to spark the philanthropist in all of us. This the virtual race has a unique goal: participants will complete the distance from the Project C.U.R.E. International Headquarters in Centennial, Colorado to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in Africa to fund the delivery of a semi-truck sized shipping container packed with donated medical supplies and equipment.

Participants are encouraged to run, walk, swim, hike, row, wheelchair, or bike the distance of your choosing. It can be a 5k, 10k, half marathon, a full 26.2 miles, or whatever you decide. Just clock your time and your distance, upload it to our results webpage and see your contribution to our overall goal of 6,552 miles or 10544.42 kilometers.

Participants can sign up as individuals or create teams to challenge others. This is a nationwide opportunity to help others while logging some health benefits for yourself.

Registration is available online at https://runsignup.com/cureclassic.

Why? Statistics tell us that over half the world’s population lives on about $5.50 a day. These people will work 12 hours sometimes walking with no shoes, working with little to eat, and coming home to houses without power or running water. Half the world’s population. At that rate of poverty, there simply is not enough money left for healthcare. So many suffer without medical attention. Doctors do not have the equipment or supplies to treat their patients. Nurses deliver babies on rudimentary tables, or mothers try to deliver at home on the floor. Babies have no oxygen or incubation. The consequence is that many of these people simply do not make it.

At the same time, in our country, our hospitals in the U.S. purchase new equipment on a regular schedule, and patients expect that the new technology will constantly be available. We have an abundance of supplies that are perfectly good, sealed, and useful to treat patients. Delivering these to hospitals in developing countries saves lives!

More about PROJECT C.U.R.E.

Since 1987, Project C.U.R.E has been delivering life-saving medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics throughout the under-resourced world. We are the world’s largest distributor of donated medical relief—touching the lives of children and families in more than 130 countries.

On average, each week Project C.U.R.E. delivers three to five semi-truck sized cargo containers packed with the medical equipment and supplies that are desperately needed by local hospitals and clinics in resource-limited countries. Each year, hundreds of healthcare professionals travel with Project C.U.R.E to provide medical treatment to communities in need and training to those dedicated to serving them through our C.U.R.E. Clinics and C.U.R.E. College programs.

Project C.U.R.E.’s focus is on building capacity and strengthening healthcare systems to deal with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of all types of diseases including HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Ebola, and now COVID 19. We also work alongside technical experts in humanitarian and emergency situations to help treat victims of earthquakes and floods and increasing numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons. As the world watches the pain and suffering of those whose lives have been ravaged by conflict and humanitarian disasters, Project C.U.R.E.’s partnerships are bringing support to meet their urgent, basic medical needs and help reconstruct healthcare systems around the world. Project C.U.R.E. is committed to strengthening healthcare systems and bridging the gaps in healthcare. In March 2020, Project C.U.R.E. pivoted its focus to support the tremendous need domestically for PPE and equipment to fight COVID 19 and has provided over $5 million in aid to date.

More information about Project C.U.R.E. is available at www.projectcure.org
