There are three lessons that help to develop myself from this book

Lesson #1: He Wasn't As Solo As He Figured
While both of you know how to open your lips, others don't always know how to utter sentences. It is misleading because, after its terror, it is hard for you to understand what the protagonist faced. He could not truly share his feelings with his family and friends in a way that he did not understand. It was like attempting to teach the aliens about earth because the concept was too different. He also knew not how to tell himself what had happened to him even more frustrating. Stress and fear absolutely subsided from the Hague perspective. Yet as an unforeseen hero, novels, hope arrived. Although a lot of people use literature to escape their lives, the author met otherwise. He was again assisted by the right books. When he found out the characters felt alienated, Haig started to recognize that he wasn't as solo as he figured. He felt he was able to talk to the writer, who understood how alone he was.
Lesson #2: Spending Time
Mental disorder can enhance perception and empathy, but generally we're not talking about it. Author Haig used to avoid the thin skin which gave him the feeling of his depression. He became the popular writer he is today as he started to accept it. Haig also loves deeper stuff like spending time with his children.
Lesson #3: Battle Mental Health
The method of healing is taken literally in the pit. This is evident. So it's not just that you're slowly evolving and recovering. 14 years after his disruption, Haig had to grasp this. He would not expect a full recovery in his life with the psychiatric state. His mood then sometimes changes and stays low. He knows that no extreme anxiety can happen. And he realizes that life is more loving than he could possibly imagine. Though he knows that he can't cure wonders, Haig has some resources to calm him. Sleeping well on this list is critical. He just runs to calm you. His way of thinking is limited, besides his scheme of yoga and meditation.
The weakness of social networking is also a crucial method used by Haig to battle mental health. By spending time with your wife and son, he substitutes time and energy spending. Haig really enjoys reading and traveling. These powerful trends pave the door for people to depart and to look to the future. These are all Haig's apologies for remaining alive.
I loved to read the book Reasons to Stay Alive and was so impressed by the bravery of Matt Haig in writing it. I understand too many causes, as someone who has experienced mental illness in the past.