Friday, December 27, 2024

My Turn: Bridge of Flowers not a proper place for human ashes - The Recorder

Last updated Monday, August 30, 2021 14:59 ET , Source: NewsService

While many want to honor the wishes of loved ones to have their ashes spread on the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls, we want to explain why we have a policy against doing so.

Of course, we appreciate that your loved ones (or you) found the Bridge the special place it is, but spreading human cremains there is causing problems — including one that would surely upset anyone who loved it.

That’s because spreading human ashes in the Bridge garden is actually causing the plants and flowers there to decline and sometimes die.

Science tells us that cremation ashes may be harmful when placed in the soil or around trees or plants. While cremains are composed of nutrients that plants require, primarily, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, human ashes also contain an extremely high amount of salt, which is toxic for most plants and can be leached into the soil.

Additionally, cremains don’t contain other essential micronutrients such as manganese, carbon, and zinc. This nutritional imbalance may actually hinder plant growth. For example, too much calcium in soil can quickly reduce the supply of nitrogen and may also limit photosynthesis.

Finally, cremation ashes have a very high pH level, which can be toxic to many plants because it prevents the natural release of beneficial nutrients within the soil.

And that’s what we’re finding on our beloved Bridge of Flowers.

As our hard-working gardeners attend to this world-renowned treasure we are lucky to have right here, they must...

Read Full Story: https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Ray-BridgeFlowersAshes-42209806

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