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Antioxident-rich baba ganoush recipe for protecting your brain cells and gut health - Stylist Magazine

Last updated Tuesday, August 31, 2021 02:03 ET , Source: NewsService

There’s nothing like a stack of warm pitta bread and freshly blitzed dip for an afternoon snack. Hummus is great, guac is delicious but baba ganoush is in a league of its own.

The aubergine is an incredible vegetable. Not only is it a rich source of dietary fibre (important for maintaining good gut health), but it’s also packed with vitamins B1 and B6 as well as potassium, copper, magnesium and manganese.

As with so many plants (like potatoes), the skin is arguably the most nutritious bit of an aubergine. Rich in nasunin, a potent antioxidant that gives the skin its purple colour, it’s been found to protect the fats in the brain cell membranes – helping to protect the organ from damage.

To get the most of your baba ganoush, you want to look for plump aubergines that are vivid in colour and as unbruised as possible.


2 aubergines


Juice of one lemon

Pinch of salt


Spray aubergines with the avocado oil spray.

Pop in the oven on a high heat until charred on the outside. You could always use a BBQ, in which case, throw on and rotate every few mintuest to avoid burning.

You want the outside of the aubergines to be evenly charred.

Scoop out the middles once charred and combine with lemon juice, salt and tahini.

Keep tasting as you mix, adding more of the lemon, salt or tahini to taste.

For more healthy recipes, check out the Strong Women Training Club archive.

Miranda Larbi is the editor of Strong Women and Strong Women Training Club. A qualified personal...

Read Full Story: https://www.stylist.co.uk/fitness-health/food/antioxident-rich-baba-ganoush-recipe-for-protecting-your-brain-cells-and-gut-health/559707

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