Saturday, September 21, 2024

How 'search' has become the new brand in the SEO landscape - Information Age

Last updated Wednesday, September 1, 2021 05:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Nate Burke, CEO of Diginius, explains the importance of optimising your products to meet this changing behaviour, while also remembering to build on your brand to become the ultimate business

Did Ask Jeeves have a point when it came to consumers needing quick and snappy search results?

Marketplaces are now dominating the online sphere, which results in more unbranded searches being made by online shoppers who are looking for solutions to their queries, rather than a named-brand product. Nowadays, global brands can expect 58% of their searches to be unbranded, while surprisingly, for small and mid-sized businesses, the figure is much higher, sitting at around 81%. Of course, for many businesses that heavily rely on their brand awareness and branded searches to bring in revenue, this rise might be a cause for concern.

However, virtual and online marketplaces are now considered one of the most effective ways to scale globally, both for established businesses and smaller brands as they account for almost half of all global e-commerce sales. Whilst these platforms were once a place for small and independent brands, online retail giants such as Amazon and Walmart are beginning to scale their own marketplaces, capitalising on the nearly $2 trillion that is spent annually on the top 100 marketplaces.

The shift in search can be put down to a number of changes in the way we shop, consume media and use technology. Notably, the increasing access to voice search, with Alexa and Google...

Read Full Story: https://www.information-age.com/how-search-has-become-new-brand-seo-landscape-123496726/

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