Saturday, September 21, 2024

Critical Analytics That Will Improve Your SEO Results - Entrepreneur

Last updated Thursday, September 2, 2021 15:00 ET , Source: NewsService

Improving results depends on how much valuable information you can collect and how you decide to use it.

Get a glimpse of how Google’s marketing resources and strategies can help you grow your business’s digital reach.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Without a doubt, Google Analytics is the best gift that Google has given us — a free website analysis service that provides information on how users find and use company websites.

Web Analytics refers to the measurement and analysis of data meant to inform and provide a clear understanding of user behavior on web pages.

It includes audience data; the number of visits, unique users, what type of device they use, etc., audience behavior; the most visited pages, time spent on pages, bounce rate, etc., campaign data; campaigns that generate more traffic, keyword searches that resulted in a visit, etc. and SEO positioning which refers to the strategies and techniques that a website utilizes to place as high as possible in the search engines.

The vast majority of SEO actions can be measurable and quantifiable using Google Analytics, taking into account the three fundamental insights of web traffic: engagement, user behavior and conversion.

Web, organic and referral traffic

Web traffic represents the users who visit a website. It’s measured in visits, also called sessions, and is a common way to analyze the ability and effectiveness of attracting an audience. There are different types of web traffic,...

Read Full Story: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/379218

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