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Three battery innovations for off-grid storage | Electronics360 - Electronics360

Last updated Thursday, September 2, 2021 03:10 ET , Source: NewsService

Over the past decade, the idea of a closed-loop off-the-grid home that draws its power from a battery has gone from that of an improbable wish to a very real option for many homeowners. And what’s driving this change may surprise you. Over the past several years, incredible advancements in battery technology have transformed the effectiveness, efficiency and commercial availability of these off-grid battery systems.

From increased charging and energy storage efficiency to more efficient solar panels to charge these off-grid batteries, today’s home charging systems are truly superior to previous eras of off-grid energy. And this, in turn, has made the prospect of home battery systems more compelling for homeowners who are not only looking to save on recurring electricity bills but are also looking for a resilient alternative to traditional power. In this article, we’ll take a look at several key factors driving battery innovation over the past several years.

Solid-state vs lithium-ion batteries

One of the most impactful innovations in battery technology over the past several years is the commercial availability of solid-state batteries. And to showcase the tremendous potential in solid-state battery technology over the traditional lithium-ion (li-ion) battery, it’s important we first discuss its place in the battery market.

Li-ion batteries

Li-ion batteries have been a long-time battery staple. At a very rudimentary level, these devices work on the basic battery chemistry...

Read Full Story: https://electronics360.globalspec.com/article/17109/three-battery-innovations-for-off-grid-storage

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