Saturday, September 21, 2024

90 neighborhoods in Puerto Vallarta remain without water - Puerto Vallarta Daily News

Last updated Tuesday, September 7, 2021 18:17 ET , Source: NewsService

The Potable Water, Drainage and Sanitation Services System (SEAPAL) reported that more than 90 neighborhoods and the tourist strip have a shortage of water due to the damage caused by Nora and the collapse of a 24-inch pipeline that occurred on Monday, informed the Operational Director, Óscar Castellón Rodríguez.

He explained that the pipeline that is located in “Paseo de la Industria” at its junction with state highway 544 “causes a lack of water and low pressure in the neighborhoods that are between the Cuale River and the Las Juntas.

“It is a fundamental line in the Puerto Vallarta supply system, since it conducts 589 liters per second of raw water that is extracted from the battery of wells in the north, including the Radial Well to the Iron Removal Plant and Manganese from Las Mojoneras for drinking water”.

He commented that the repairs have been very complex, and recalled “that the water from these wells normally cover around 90 neighborhoods in the northern area and the tourist strip, but due to the effects of Hurricane Nora on the infrastructure they have diminished the production capacity, currently it has had to extend its coverage to reinforce the supply to the inhabitants of the downtown area of the city.”

Finally, he pointed out that they are working at a steady pace to incorporate the sources of water supply, in addition to asking the population to ration water.

According to Castellón, Hurricane Nora caused damage in excess of $65 million in infrastructure...

Read Full Story: https://www.vallartadaily.com/90-neighborhoods-in-puerto-vallarta-remain-without-water/

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