Saturday, September 21, 2024

How friends created multimillion pound business with £15,000 inheritance - Express

Last updated Thursday, September 16, 2021 05:25 ET , Source: NewsService

Mr Coram-James, the current CEO of Go Up, founded the agency with childhood friend Tom Skinner in 2011: “The business started with just me on my sofa. Tom joined swiftly after, and we started to plan.” Armed with 15,000 and a talent for SEO, the pair were able to create a market leading business and speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, Mr Coram-James shared their recipe for success.

The quick success of Go Up saw their LA offices opening in 2018 to cater to the American market and made a profit in less than two months, but this isn’t to say that the road was always easy for the pair.

“Our mistakes have been as key to our growth and evolution as our successes, often more so. And if we did things differently and never made those mistakes, then we would not have learned the lessons that followed them and we wouldn’t be where we are today as a result.”

Go Up has a current turnover of just under 2million and this is without any investment into the business. Instead, the founders choose to reinvest majority of the profits to keep the business growing.

SEO and a solid digital marketing strategy are vital to business in the modern world, ensuring that people searching for a business find the perfect one. Although smaller businesses can sometimes be outdone by larger corporations with big budgets, capitalising on free tools like Google Analytics, if used correctly, can help the underdogs win the clicks at the end of the day.


This is exactly what Mr Coram-James...

Read Full Story: https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/1492080/inheritance-money-entrepreneur-business-success-multimillion-pound

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