Saturday, September 21, 2024

Investment in water infrastructure is vital for customers in Dundalk and Cooley after a summer of problems - Independent.ie

Last updated Thursday, September 16, 2021 04:12 ET , Source: NewsService

Flushing of the water mains in Dundalk will be finished in the first week of October, according to Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú who met with Irish Water representatives lastd week.

The Dundalk TD was joined at the meeting by his colleague Cllr. Kevin Meenan and highlighted to Irish Water representatives the issues of discoloured water and low water pressure in Dundalk and North Louth.

Deputy Ó Murchú and Cllr. Meenan were told how the mains flushing programme, which has been ongoing by Irish Water for over a month, has led to 60% of the local water network being cleared, with the other 40% expected to be completed by the first week in October.

The Dundalk TD said: “Cllr. Meenan and I had requested this meeting a number of weeks ago with Irish Water in relation to the ongoing water quality problems in Dundalk and North Louth.”

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“We were aware before the meeting that manganese had become a major issue for Louth consumers this summer and Irish Water informed us that it was also an issue for customers in other parts of the region, including Cavan.”

“There is, Irish Water says, research being carried out by the EPA into why manganese is a problem now, and this may have something to do with rising temperatures in rivers and other water sources.”

“Irish Water told us that a lot of resources have gone into the flushing programme. They are now monitoring the levels of manganese and...

Read Full Story: https://www.independent.ie/regionals/louth/dundalk-news/investment-in-water-infrastructure-is-vital-for-customers-in-dundalk-and-cooley-after-a-summer-of-problems-40856609.html

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