Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mozilla tests Bing as the default search engine for 1% of users - Search Engine Land

Last updated Friday, September 17, 2021 15:38 ET , Source: NewsService

“Mozilla is running an experiment on 1% of the Firefox desktop population currently, which sets the default search engine to Bing in the web browser,” said Martin Brinkmann for ghacks.

Search choice is an ongoing issue. We’ve written about search choice before as it’s been a topic of conversation even beyond the search community:

Google is the usual default. “Like all browsers, Mozilla Firefox automatically configures a browser to a default search engine for performing searches via the address bar,” wrote Lawrence Abrams on BleepingComputer. Chrome obviously defaults to Google, but so do Brave and Firefox.

Last August, Google and Firefox reached a deal where Google paid Mozilla “between $400 and $450 million per year for the privilege of becoming the Firefox web browser’s default search engine in most regions,” said Brinkmann.

The new test. “The study started on September 6 and it will run until early 2022, likely January 2022. About 1% of Firefox desktop users may notice that the default search engine is changed when the installation of Firefox is picked for the experiment,” explained Brinkmann. Why are they running this...

Read Full Story: https://searchengineland.com/mozilla-tests-bing-as-the-default-search-engine-for-1-of-users-374517

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