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Google AdSense: Is It a Google Search Ranking Factor? - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Monday, September 20, 2021 08:45 ET , Source: NewsService

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AdSense is a Google ad product that allows publishers to monetize their content by displaying targeted advertisements on their website. Publishers earn money when people view or click on these ads.

So why do some people believe AdSense is a ranking factor? Ads have nothing to do with organic ranking, right?

Well, the belief is that sending traffic to pages with ads served by Google also serves Google’s interests as a company.

When a website is monetized with AdSense, it becomes another platform for Google’s advertisers to serve ads on.

Ethics aside, there’s an incentive for Google to send traffic to pages displaying AdSense ads.

More traffic means more ad clicks and views, which means Google’s advertisers are happy to pay for more ads.

But would Google let its interests as a company get in the way of delivering unbiased organic search results?

That’s the theory shared amongst those who question whether AdSense is a ranking factor.

Conversely, there are concerns AdSense ads could impact rankings in a negative way, as Google has specific guidelines on proper ad placement.

Let’s dive further into these claims, then look at what the evidence says about the impact of AdSense on search rankings.

The Claim: AdSense is a Ranking Factor

There are various claims...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ranking-factors/google-adsense/

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