Saturday, September 21, 2024

Healthcare SEO – Patient Acquisition/Lead Generation Marketing System Launched - Digital Journal

Last updated Monday, September 20, 2021 07:56 ET , Source: NewsService

Digitalis Medical, a concentrated digital marketing and SEO agency that specializes in the healthcare sector, is announcing the launch of its proprietary Digitalis Growth System, a multi-component SEO strategy designed to help smaller healthcare practices achieve optimized exposure and top search engine rankings.

Scottsdale, United States – September 20, 2021 / / —

Google is the most popular hub today’s online audiences use to search for answers to their health-related questions. With seventy thousand queries entered every minute, practices that haven’t prioritized a polished SEO strategy risk being buried in results page listings while their competitors take top spot. Digitalis Medical is a specialized digital agency with a focused interest in the healthcare industry. The launch of their comprehensive Growth System means smaller practices can land at the top of a Google search, improving their online visibility and increasing client acquisition.

More information is available at https://digitalismedical.com/services/healthcare-seo

Studies show that 77 percent of today’s consumers conduct an online search before booking a medical appointment. With Google’s recently enhanced distance and location ranking parameters, healthcare practices leaving search engine marketing activities to the wayside will find it increasingly difficult to attract new patients. Digitalis Medical specializes in SEO for medical practitioners. The launch of their comprehensive Digitalis Growth System...

Read Full Story: https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/healthcare-seo-patient-acquisition-lead-generation-marketing-system-launched

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