Saturday, September 21, 2024

How Call Analytics Can Help Optimise Your Google Ads Campaigns - PRWire

Last updated Monday, September 20, 2021 01:09 ET , Source: NewsService

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Google Ads is a great tool for generating targeted leads. It also offers many features that enable advertisers to track their campaigns' performance. Google also offers call forwarding as one of its features. Advertisers can track calls made by Google call extensions and call-only ads using Google's forwarding numbers. Google's call forwarding service provides information such as the duration of calls and the area code of callers. Although Google forwarding numbers are useful for gaining insight into Ads campaigns' success, they don't give all the metrics that data-driven marketers need to optimise their Ads marketing. We'll be discussing what makes full call tracking different from Google Ads call monitoring features, and how you can use call analytics to make the most of your Ads campaigns.

How can call tracking solutions provide greater accuracy than Google Ads?

Fully-featured call tracking services provide a wealth of data that Google forwarding numbers can't. Although Ads call tracking information is useful, it cannot match the accuracy and quantity of call tracking data.

  • Campaign-Level Monitoring: Google's call tracking feature only tracks calls generated by call extensions or call-only-ads. Marketers are left in the dark about the performance of other important digital marketing components. You can track all your Ads campaigns using a call tracking platform like WildJar, such as search partner marketing and remarketing campaigns. This allows you to track...

Read Full Story: https://prwire.com.au/print/how-call-analytics-can-help-optimise-your-google-ads-campaigns

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