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Hydroponics Farming: Set up a Hydroponic Unit Using PVC Pipes & Grow Fresh Veggies - Krishi Jagran

Last updated Thursday, November 18, 2021 21:43 ET , Source: NewsService

If you love farming but don’t have much space and time then this article is for you. Today we will tell you how to grow your own veggies or leafy greens with very little time, resources and space.

All you have to do is build your own hydroponic unit with the help of PVC pipes. This method is known as Nutrient Film Technique or NFT system of hydroponics.

Step by step process to build a hydroponic unit with PVC pipes

Follow the steps given below to set up a hydroponics system at your home;

1st Step – Collect 4 PVC pipes, PVC elbow connectors to join the grid, 1 PVC cap, a big size container with a lid, a submersible hydroponic pump, ready-made net pots / disposable cups, ready-made growth medium, ready-made nutrient mix and hosepipe.

2nd Step – Now cut the PVC pipes, based on your need, cut 4 PVC pipes.

3rd Step - Fix them in the grid of your choice. Then join the pieces to make the desired grid of your choice – zigzag/straight. Join the ends of these PVC pipes to each other using PVC elbow connectors.

4th Step - Make holes to hold the net pots. Then drill holes in the PVC pipes to make holders for net pots. (Net pots is basically plant holders that come in different sizes. They hold the growth medium & seed/plant in the hydroponic system.

Now take the netted pot & make a mark on PVC pipe and cut the circle out. You can get these net pots from market or make them with disposable cups.

5th Step – Now you have to make net pots for planters. For this you can use...

Read Full Story: https://krishijagran.com/agripedia/hydroponics-farming-set-up-a-hydroponic-unit-using-pvc-pipes-grow-fresh-veggies/

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