Friday, February 28, 2025

Physiological disorders and their management in crops - Rising Kashmir

Last updated Monday, January 10, 2022 12:47 ET , Source: NewsService

Cultivating flowers on scientific lines is important and for this reason management practices and production module plays an important role

Due to imbalance of macro or micro nutrients, unfavorable environmental conditions or poor growing conditions malformed changes take place in flowers due to poor growth and development which is not suitable for marketing is termed as physiological disorder. In other words we can say non-pathogenic problems due to poor cultural practices, mismanagement, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse climatic conditions for growing cut flowers reduce the consumer acceptability and costs huge loss to producer. Cultivating flowers on scientific lines is important and for this reason management practices and production module plays an important role. Deficiency disorders reflects nutrient deficiency where as others are related to environmental and growing conditions.

Causes of physiological disorders

·Water logging or Drought.

·Excessive heat or cold or Frost.

·Nutrient deficiency.

·Environmental pollutions.

·Poor cultivars.

·Poor Soils.

·Defective management practices.

Mineral nutrition deficiency

Balance of macro and micronutrients plays an important role in quality produce. Optimum nutrients play an important role in growth and development of plant. C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Bo, Mo, Cl, Co and Ni are 18 essential elements including macro N, P, K, secondary Ca, Mg, S and micro(iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum,...

Read Full Story: https://www.risingkashmir.com/Physiological-disorders-and-their-management-in-crops-98728

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