Saturday, March 8, 2025

How to Spell Check a Website at Scale - Practical Ecommerce

Last updated Tuesday, March 22, 2022 08:50 ET , Source: NewsService

Checking a single document for spelling and grammar errors can be difficult enough, but imagine checking a massive website with thousands of pages.

To be certain, spelling and grammar tools are ubiquitous for individual documents. However, the availability of tools is no guarantee of perfection.

Mistakes Made

I subjected this article to the Google Docs built-in spelling and grammar check (Command-Option-X on a Mac) and Grammarly. Yet the editor will undoubtedly have plenty of opportunities for corrections and amendments. Likely suspects include articles (a, an, the), word endings, and typos.

Now imagine the same task at scale.

Here is a scenario. You’ve just purchased a blog with 17,000 articles describing do-it-yourself products. The idea was to use the blog to drive traffic to your online craft supply shop. But you’ve noticed that the previous owners had numerous grammar and spelling errors.

You don’t relish the idea of checking 17,000 articles individually. So what do you do?

Here are a few options.

Not Too Technical

If your technical chops amount to using software, there are a few options for spell checking an entire site — including the 17,000 article DIY blog described above.

Screaming Frog. Screaming Frog SEO Spider is an essential search engine optimization and keyword research tool. It will also spell check an entire website.

The company has a detailed tutorial on setting up spelling and grammar crawls. Turn on the spell and grammar check, and like magic, SEO...

Read Full Story: https://www.practicalecommerce.com/how-to-spell-check-a-website-at-scale

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