In marketing you must jump at your opportunities, sometimes requiring a flying leap. Consumer behavior changes from the pandemic are encouraging that leap in search engine optimization (SEO) terms today. As a marketer, you now have two years of pandemic-influenced search behavior online. That means you should be updating your keyword strategy in online!
In doing so, you will find some measuring techniques faces a new order in the pantheon of marketing analytics. Keyword density is a tried-and-true audit of how frequent a keyword appears on a page. Now more sophisticated tools raise the question if keyword density is a true value to a business strategy. This post will answer that, looking at the pros and cons of that value and how you should re-imagine density analysis for an SEO strategy.
The View of Keywords in SEO History
Keyword analysis is a long-standing tactic for planning the right word association that links online search queries from potential customers to website or app pages that answer those queries. Marketers use SEO to manage that connection through measuring keyword density and examine word placement within a website page. Achieving a keyword density of 1% to 2% was insurance that a website page would attract an intended audience who used that keyword in a search query.
Fast forward to 2022. Under a shadow of gradual algorithmic refinements to search engines to incorporate more natural speech usage, SEO strategists now must account for more...
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