Picture this. You run a local business, and you have a website to help you with it. Maybe you are doing fine, though it could be better.
If only your site was a bit more prominent on the web, then you could have more customers and profits to help you feel more successful.
But how do you make it happen?
It’s possible that you don’t even have to imagine this situation; it could be your reality. Or, perhaps, someone living in this reality is turning to you for help.
You may already know the solution: local business + website = local SEO. That’s simple enough. But where exactly do you start?
Before you begin improving a website’s rankings, you need to know what exactly is wrong (and right) with it: weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for improvement.
Collecting this information requires a thorough local SEO audit.
Think of a local SEO audit as a doctor examining their patient before assigning treatment. What do you need to look for when examining a local business’ website and online presence?
Let’s get started.
Before you begin improving your site’s rankings, you need to know its weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for improvement.
1. Check For Google Penalties
The first step is the easiest place to look for a hidden opportunity to help skyrocket your rankings. Is your website currently under any penalties from Google?
To check for penalties, your website needs to be connected to Google Search Console. If it isn’t, you, or the site’s owner, will have to connect...
Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/local-seo-guide-webceo-spcs/463743/
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