Friday, July 26, 2024

Strange partners: How Russians have discovered Iran is worth their attention - Firstpost

Last updated Thursday, December 1, 2022 12:05 ET

The rumour about Iranian drones supplied to Russia and becoming invincible in the war had been refuted, but the mental link between “Iran” and “hi-tech” stays
No, Russia and Iran are not producing jointly the big killer drones, that have performed with such efficiency in Ukraine. Iran, also, is not supplying us with anything of the kind. And, no, Russia is not shipping to Iran any mysterious substances to speed up any mysterious programmes of developing nuclear weapons. That’s yesterday’s statement by the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. The people out there are getting tired of denying that kind of allegations, but allegations keep on coming down on us.
We live in a strange kind of world, where up to 100 per cent of news on several subjects, especially about Russia, tend to be fake. But there is a reason to look closely at anything reported about Russia and Iran, and that reason is an explosive blossoming of all kind of ties between these two neighborly states.
The Expert magazine is the Russian analogue of The Economist from London, read by anyone who wants to do business seriously. The latest issue contains a huge, really huge supplement on everything from the current trading data to estimates of technical potential of Iran as a partner of Russia.
That information looks sensational for a simple reason, namely, that Iran has never been in the spotlight of attention here. Now we discover that our two oil powers are not competing, since there are projects of joint development...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__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?oc=5

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