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Google's Investment In Data And Cleanrooms Reportedly Includes ... - MediaPost Communications

Last updated Tuesday, December 27, 2022 09:05 ET , Source: NewsService

If there's one thing that I agree about with Bill Stratton -- media, entertainment and advertising head at Snowflake -- it's that the term "cleanroom" does not describe how data is shared in a privacy-compliant way. Perhaps the industry will come up with a different nomenclature in 2023 to more accurately describe the process.

Stratton has a long history in media. He worked at Turner Broadcasting/Time Warner once between 1996 and 2008 and then again in 2013 to 2018 as senior vice president of consumer data and analytics.

When the company released its most recent earnings on December 1, 2022, it reported $523 million in product revenue -- up 67% year-on-year. Today, Snowflake operates across 37 regional areas, expanding its footprint by more than 30%.

While Alphabet, Google’s parent company, offers cloud-computing, advertising, video business and more, it has also become an investor in publicly traded stocks and privately held start-ups. The Motley Fool reports that its “investment portfolio is worth nearly $2 billion and consists of 49 stocks primarily across tech and healthcare.”

Snowflake is one of those companies, reported The Motley Fool last week. In fact, Alphabet, at the time of writing this, owned 535,000 shares valued at roughly $91 million. Alphabet is not the only high-profile investor. Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway also owned shares at the time of writing this column.

Inside Performance (IP) spoke with Stratton to ask about predictions around cleanrooms...

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