Friday, January 10, 2025

Why And How To Use Entity-Based SEO And Semantic Experiments - Forbes

Last updated Monday, January 2, 2023 08:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Ehsan Jahandarpour is CMO of Top10best.io. He is an experienced data-driven CMO, serial entrepreneur, and globally recognized growth hacker.

When it comes to budgeting for marketing spend, enterprises and large organizations allocate a big portion of their budget to paid marketing and often try to get seen in the shortest possible period of time. That "selling now" tendency distracts many CMOs and marketing leaders from focusing on organic channels. Because Google's algorithm is not crystal clear to everyone and is updated frequently, it is essential to know how to approach SEO.

In my company's SEO experiment lab, we have tested hundreds of scenarios on the main search engines, including Google, Bing and Yandex, to demystify SEO practices and verify them as valid and measurable organic channels for growth. However, the truth is that even if you write the best quality content and use latent semantic indexing terms, as well as secondary and primary keywords, the search bots may misunderstand your context if you don't assign the right entity to your content.

What is entity SEO?

While entity SEO is a relatively new term, it is still built upon technical SEO and schemas with a focus on entities. We can define entities as unique, distinct and well-defined things that carry meaning. They don't have to be physical objects and can stand alone from other entities.

Developing contextual links between entities in your content improves your UX and can create a common vocabulary to...

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