Friday, January 10, 2025

How Google's latest algorithm update impacts rankings - South ... - South Florida Business Journal

Last updated Tuesday, January 3, 2023 01:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Google recently announced it’s rolling out an algorithm update (aka “Helpful Content Update”), which introduces a new sitewide ranking signal targeting low quality, unhelpful content that’s often written for search engines first.

The folks at Google have always evangelized the importance of creating content that is aligned with the keywords an organization is hoping to rank for. Now, they are taking it a step further by judging the perceived value of the content on your website from the perspective of visitor behavior.

Google noted this is part of a broader effort to make sure searchers see more original, helpful content that is written for people, not search engines.

People-first content

The update is expected to have a large impact on websites Google classifies as having large amounts of “unhelpful content,” which it describes as having “little value, low-added value or is otherwise not particularly helpful to those doing searches.”

Their goal is to limit the amount of content shown in search that is written for SEO only and to reward high-quality content that meets the needs of searchers. This isn’t to say SEO isn’t important (it obviously still is), but content should be written for users first and search engines second. Google recommends focusing on creating content your audience (likely) cares about and will find valuable, while concurrently utilizing SEO best practices.

Google’s organic team has even gone so far as to provide a set of questions content creators can...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMib2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmJpempvdXJuYWxzLmNvbS9zb3V0aGZsb3JpZGEvbmV3cy8yMDIzLzAxLzAzL2dvb2dsZS1zLWxhdGVzdC1hbGdvcml0aG0tdXBkYXRlLWltcGFjdHMtcmFua2luZ3MuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5

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