Friday, January 10, 2025

Google Chrome will not work on these devices after January 15, 2023, know the reason - Talk To Iconic

Last updated Wednesday, January 4, 2023 14:05 ET , Source: NewsService

The Chrome 110 is expected to be released by Google on February 7, 2023. The technology giant will stop supporting earlier versions of Google Chrome along with the new update.

Chrome 109 is the last version of Chrome to support Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, two older Microsoft operating systems, according to Google’s support website.

By January 15, 2023, Google will stop supporting earlier versions of Chrome. As a result, Chrome 110, the newest version of Chrome, will be the first to require Windows 10 or later.

Users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 will still be able to use previous versions of Chrome, but they won’t be receiving any new updates with security patches. The final Chrome version to support Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 is version 109.

To continue using the cross-platform web browser Chrome, users will need to upgrade their devices with Windows 10 or 11 OS, according to the tech giant.

Significantly, users of Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 will still be able to use previous versions of Chrome, but no further updates will be made available for them. Users are urged to update to the most recent version of Windows since the OS requires security updates.

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMif2h0dHBzOi8vdGFsa3RvaWNvbmljLmNvbS9hZnRlci1qYW51YXJ5LTE1LTIwMjMtdGhlcmUtd2lsbC1iZS1uby1zZWN1cml0eS1zdXBwb3J0LWFuZC11cGRhdGVzLW9mLWdvb2dsZS1jaHJvbWUtaW4tdGhlc2UtZGV2aWNlcy_SAYUBaHR0cHM6Ly90YWxrdG9pY29uaWMuY29tL2FmdGVyLWphbnVhcnktMTUtMjAyMy10aGVyZS13aWxsLWJlLW5vLXNlY3VyaXR5LXN1cHBvcnQtYW5kLXVwZGF0ZXMtb2YtZ29vZ2xlLWNocm9tZS1pbi10aGVzZS1kZXZpY2VzLz9hbXA9MQ?oc=5

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