Friday, January 10, 2025

FAQ Schema: A Guide For Beginners - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Monday, January 9, 2023 09:05 ET , Source: NewsService

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Using FAQ structured data can make virtually any website eligible to show up in Google with an enhanced listing, resulting in more search traffic.

Implementing this structured data is relatively easy. It can even be automated.

In this article, learn more about FAQ schema, why you should use it, and how to implement it for on-page SEO.

What Is An FAQ?

FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions.

An FAQ is a type of webpage that evolved as a convenient section of a website to answer common questions.

People who had specific questions could follow a link to the FAQ section of a website and identify the relevant question.

Later on, webpages began adding FAQs directly on the relevant webpage.

That way, a website visitor with questions related to the webpage they were on could find the answers right there on the same page.

Adding an FAQ section to individual webpages saves the website visitor from having to click on an FAQ section and then taking an additional step to navigate to the correct question and answer.

Thus, a dedicated FAQ webpage or an FAQ section on individual webpages serves to answer frequently asked questions.

What Is FAQ Schema?

Structured data is information that is organized specifically for a machine to be able to understand.

Webpage structured data organizes information by labeling the name of...

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